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    • 积分11500
    • 经验0
    • 文章73
    • 注册2011-08-24
    Card Application

    Beijing Sanki Petroleum Technology Co., Ltd is a collection of R&D, production and sales of [url=http://www.sankichina.com]Fuel Dispenser[/url] pump and LPG dispenser, and [url=http://www.sankichina.com/gasstationEquipment.htm]gas station Equipment[/url] of large enterprises in China. Main products are tax-controlled [url=http://www.sankichina.com]Fuel Dispenser[/url], gas CNG LNG LPG dispenser, IC card [url=http://www.sankichina.com]Fuel Dispenser[/url] ,[url=http://www.sankichina.com/FuelManagementSystem.htm]Fuel Management System[/url], fuel flowmeter, fuel nozzle and submerged pump and liquid level instrument, and provide relevant oil station equipment and services.

    Loyalty card is one low cost promotion channel for customers. this system may manage all your loyal able customers, which includes the management center, point promotion as well as self checking through internet.
    Loyalty card system Main Features

    ● Management center : point regulation, bonus set up, loyalty card make, members accounting, bonus promotion etc.
    ● Point promotion terminal : member set up, fuel point, point promotion, point checking
    ● Self checking through internet : point self checking, bonus checking, password self change.
    Function module
    Function list
    Loyalty card user information register
    Loyalty card user information register
    Redeem credit points
    Redeem Loyalty card credit points
    Redeem IC card credit points
    Loyalty card user information modification
    Inquiry & Statistics
    Inquiry credit points redeeming list
    Card credit points statement
    System management
    Device connection setup
    Operator setup
    Loyalty card user information modification
    Loyalty card user information modification
    Inquiry & Statistics
    Inquiry credit points redeeming history
    Inquiry Card credit points balance
    Inquiry Card credit points statement
    Card credit points statistics
    System management
    Rule of storing credit points setup
    Device connection setup
    Redeem site setup

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    *验证信息 用户名 密码 注册新用户

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