
                看 香 港 第 35 届 电 影 金 像 奖 颁 奖 典 礼

    What characterizes almost all Hollywood pictures is their inner emptiness. This is compensated for by an outer impressiveness. Such impressiveness usually takes the form of a grandiose realism.Nothing is make the setting the setting , all of surface details correct.These efforts help to mask the essential emptiness of the characterization, and the absurdities and trivialities of the plots. The houses look like houses, the streets look like streets, the people look and talk like people; but they are empty of humanity ,credibility, credibility, and motivation. Needless to say,the disgraceful censorship code is an important factor in predetermining the content of these pictures.But the code dose not disturb the profits, nor the entertainment value of the films; it merely helps to prevent them from being credible.It is not too heavy a burden for the industry to bear.In addition to impressiveness of the settings, three is a use the camera which at times seems magical,But of what human import is this skill, all this effort,all this energy in the production of effects, when the story, the representation of life is hollow,stupid,banal, childish?
正如不同的宗教及不同層次的宗教可以給不同人心靈慰藉一樣, 電影也不是每一套都要有高深意義的. 有些人看電影是為了洗滌心靈, 有些為增廣視野, 有些是學習技巧, 有些只是為了娛樂, 消遣...一套電影如在其中一方面取得成就, 就已有它的價值.

如果一套電影在官能刺激上能給予觀眾新的刺激, 它本身就已有一定的意義. 它縱然不是"好"電影, 可是已給後來者一個向前向上邁進的階梯, 最怕是內容人云亦云, 而技上亦乏善可陳的.

情況就有如文學: 純文學和通俗文學(甚至情色文學)都有它們的意義. 世界上沒有"正確"的文學或題材, 只有寫得好和寫得不好的.

我認為世界上只有一種電影是沒有意義的---  既沒有內涵而又拍得差勁的電影 ---
說起電影, 有一套非一般的電影向大家推介" 大同---康有為在瑞典"(Datong, Kang in Swedeen), 可以幫助我們從另一角度看中國近百年的歷史.

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