[诗歌、诗评](標點) 詩人: Claire Dyer

[诗歌、诗评](標點) 詩人: Claire Dyer
(標點)      詩人: Claire Dyer

在做愛時, 發你肩上有一小逗號

部份是暫停, 部份是分隔的起始


這是偷來的片刻歡愉, 我們在引號中存在

在我的肌膚上, 如絲般; 它們親密地滑過我的乳房
我向後拋身, 我們的渲洩是個感嘆號.

之後, 床單上滿佈著半分號
分號, 在我們的腳趾間是連接號

而我們是以省略法交談, 向彼此保證

(小土豆 譯)

Claire 以不同標點描出兩個貌合神離的戀人之間的微妙, 讚!


Punctuation    by Claire Dyer

We're making love and there is a comma on your shoulder.
It's shining in the dark-

part pause, part the start of separation.
Question marks are in your eyes.

I have no answer but to press my lips
to your neck and feel your smile.

The moment's stolen, we're living in quotation marks
Next you touch me with apostrophes-

silky on my skin, they brush my breasts with belonging.
I arch my back, our release is an exclamation.

Afterwards, the sheets' littered with semicolons,
colons, there are hyphens between our toes.

and we speak ellipsis, promise each other
a lexicon without a word of grief, or any full stop-

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