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  • 文章作者:Aihua
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  • 文章标题:The Art of Language -- When Not to Use "Obvious"

    The Art of Language -- When Not to Use "Obvious"

    -by Aihuab

    In the world of communications, sensitivity is not a luxury but a necessity.

    So something might be "obvious" to you but not to others.  Using "it's obvious" too freely could earn you few friends and many turnoffs because it can be easily construed as a putdown, even though you might not have the intention at all.

    So, avoid saying: "It is obvious that this sentence is better than that one."

    Instead, say: "It seems to me that this sentence is better than that one."

    When is it OK to use "obvious"?  How about this:

    "It's obvious that MANY Iraqi hate Saddem Hussain and wish for a regime change."

    Note that the following sentence could be offensive to some Iraqi and therefore not advisable:

    "It's obvious that ALL Iraqi hate Saddem Hussain and wish for a regime change."

    See the difference?
    本文最后发表或修改时间:2004/12/22 1:46:24
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