[小说][原创]The Seven Discs of the Gods

Chapter 14
We crossed the narrow straight that separated the Holy Island from the mainland.  The Water disc and the Earth disc indicated a north west direction but we were not sure if that meant another disc was there to be found or Eugenix or Orgetorix for that matter were moving in that direction.  But since we had no other clue, we had to pick up that and proceeded accordingly.  The land of the Ordivices offered no hazard as they were a peaceful people, interested in trading along the coast or brave the waves across the sea with the tribes on the West Island or even as far north to the cold land of the Picts.  We arrived at their capital and found a hospital place to spend the night.  
The next day, we rode in the direction of the Deceangli.  The riding was rough and we spoke little throughout the journey.  Odd to say but the more we understood each other, the tenser we were with each other.  Both Epi and I understood why.  Someone was in between and we both knew that person was Nemetona.
After riding for a whole day, we made a stop at a small hamlet and were admitted by the owner to stay for the night.  The food offered were rough and cold and the bed aching for our already weary bones.  But we did not complain, as this was already the best the man could offer us and we thanked him the next morning and gave him and his family our blessing before we started off again.  The riding from that point was easier and the scenery much more pleasing to the eyes than the part we covered the day before.  The rolling green looked like a lush carpet dotted with occasional lines of spruce trees.  The water in the streams was icy fresh and this helped to revive much of our spirit.  We exchanged jokes and Epi even sang.  She got such a beautiful voice and I was totally immersed in her lovely melody that I forgot the fatigue and the hazard of the journey simply by listening to her pouring out of song after song about heroic deeds of ancient heroes and moving love tales.  
There was no hamlet to haven us that night and we had to make do out in the open.  We lay and looked in amazement at the million stars above us.  Being among hills, the summer night air was cooler than it had been in the lowlands.  After a while, Epi gave a yawn and soon enough, her eyes grew weary and nudged against my body and fell into sleep.  Her breathing was gentle and even as she knew she was resting beside one whom she could trust completely.  I looked at the pretty face and put my arms around her shoulders, pulling her closer.  She did not attempt to move away.
The next morning we were on our horsebacks again.  It was one very lovely summer days; the sky was translucent blue and absolutely cloudless.  Epi was in a jovial mood and we let our mounts take us forward in easy canters.  I rode behind her and the way her young body handles her horse was just magnificent.
By midday, we saw a small village in a distance.  There were around a dozen-hatched houses and smoke was rising somewhere behind.  The thought of breakfast caused our stomachs to rumble.  We sped our horses towards the village.
We were closer now and the village seemed more quiet than usual.  We saw a few people moving about slowly at the far end of the houses, their heads down and pulling small carts laden with heavy loads.  There were also some villagers lying against the walls, their heads on their chests.
We sniffed the air and the smell did not please us.  Something was wrong.
Finally, we were there.  I dismounted and went up to a man sitting against a well.  I greeted him but there was no response.  Then I knelt beside him and held up his chin.  Both Epi and I gasped.  The man’s eyes were blank, starring into the air.  There were ugly marks all over his face.  If the man was not dead, he was not far from dying.  We had walked into an epidemic.

Chapter 15

The horror began to dawn on us.  The smoke that rose from behind the village was not from a breakfast oven.  They were burning the dead carried there on those wooden carts.  And all these people lying around were waiting for their turns.
“Bit, let us get out of here.” Epi was paling.
I looked around.  It was a grim sight indeed and my stomach turned.  From deep inside me, a rising fear urged me to run as Epi pleaded.  
“No.  If we leave, these people will definitely all die.” I could not even believe my own words as they slipped out of my mouth.
“But what can we do?” Epi was close to tears.  The manner of death had drilled into us now.  
“Epi, I know how to make herbs.  I may be able to help.”
“Do you know what kind of disease this is?” Epi asked.
I shook my head.  The ugly marks on the man’s face spelled something evil and powerful.  This was something new to me.
“But I cannot just walk away doing nothing.” I murmured.
Epi felt silent and just stood there beside me.
“Epi, go on to the next village. And if there is safe there, stay there till I finish here and I will catch up with you.” I could not bear to bring her into such horror and risk.
“No! “ she was adamant. “If you stay, so will I.  I can help too.”
“But Epi…”
“Just tell me what to do.” She had made up her mind and I knew nothing could change her.
I told her a list of herbs that I would need and she sped off to the woods to gather them.  I did not know if the herbs would be useful to fight this as they were very common sorts and I knew I was fighting something unusual and sinister.
I helped the villages to take the sick into places where it would be cooler and distance them from the still unaffected ones.  I also made last rites for those destined for the fire.  The smell of burning flesh sent up an obnoxious smell and we had to cover our mouths and noses with torn off clothes.  
Epi came back with the herbs I asked and I began to make medicine as best I could.  These failed.  People continued to die.
Chapter 17
Both Epi and I worked almost non-stop.  We tried different combinations and added in new herbs that I hoped would bring some hope.  But all efforts turned out to be fruitless, as I could not diagnose the course of the disease and like a blind man; I was fumbling around for an open door.  I knew we were both exhausted but I just could not give up.
Epi did not even once complained.  She dedicated herself to go and search whatever I asked for.  When I was deep in thinking of possible new medicine, she went to help the sick, to make them more comfortable.  The only thing she was reluctant to do was to help in the cremation, as she would be unable to stop her tears if the deceased happened to be a child.
We were in the village the third day now and I was beginning to lose my patience.  Why had I not learned with more attention when my wise teacher instructed me on the use of herbal drugs?  I thought I was so clever then, brilliant actually, that I could handle any situation like this with relative ease.  I was so wrong!
Yet I could not give up.
“Epi, hand me that basket of clover.” I called over my back as I grounded the nutmeg to prepare for another drug.
There was no answer.
“Epi, hand me the clover!” I raised my voice.
Still no answer.
I turned.
The terror ran through my entire body as I saw Epi sitting against the wall, her head bowing and her limbs hanging at her sides.
“No! Epi, no!” I ran to her and lifted her chin.  What I saw broke my heart.  The ugly marks had not yet appeared but the eyes were familiar.  We had looked into too many of these in the past two days; the helplessness, the vague look into empty space.
“It is all my fault, Epi! It was all my fault!” I held her shoulders and let her head rested on my chest.  I was sobbing because I knew my Epi was going to die.
Chapter 16

Both Epi and I worked almost non-stop.  We tried different combinations and added in new herbs that I hoped would bring some hope.  But all efforts turned out to be fruitless, as I could not diagnose the course of the disease and like a blind man; I was fumbling around for an open door.  I knew we were both exhausted but I just could not give up.
Epi did not even once complained.  She dedicated herself to go and search whatever I asked for.  When I was deep in thinking of possible new medicine, she went to help the sick, to make them more comfortable.  The only thing she was reluctant to do was to help in the cremation, as she would be unable to stop her tears if the deceased happened to be a child.
We were in the village the third day now and I was beginning to lose my patience.  Why had I not learned with more attention when my wise teacher instructed me on the use of herbal drugs?  I thought I was so clever then, brilliant actually, that I could handle any situation like this with relative ease.  I was so wrong!
Yet I could not give up.
“Epi, hand me that basket of clover.” I called over my back as I grounded the nutmeg to prepare for another drug.
There was no answer.
“Epi, hand me the clover!” I raised my voice.
Still no answer.
I turned.
The terror ran through my entire body as I saw Epi sitting against the wall, her head bowing and her limbs hanging at her sides.
“No! Epi, no!” I ran to her and lifted her chin.  What I saw broke my heart.  The ugly marks had not yet appeared but the eyes were familiar.  We had looked into too many of these in the past two days; the helplessness, the vague look into empty space.
“It is all my fault, Epi! It was all my fault!” I held her shoulders and let her head rested on my chest.  I was sobbing because I knew my Epi was going to die.
Chapter 17
“What should I do?  Why am I so stupid?” I kept on banging my head against the wall.  
Epi had fallen into coma now and the end would not be far.  I had dragged her into this and it was my vanity that led to her agony and impeding death.  Who did I think I was?  We should have left the first moment we discovered this!  Or at least I should have insisted her to leave and I would stay behind and try to do what my proud heart told me to; “Yes, take up the challenge.  You can do it!  You will become their saviour!  How clever they will think you are!”
I would never forgive myself!
I looked at the line of baskets holding herbs that Epi had gathered for me before she had fallen victim.  What good could these do?  In my anger, I kicked at these and the baskets and they tumbled and crashed into a mess.  I collapsed into a corner of the small hut and buried my face in my hands.  All was lost now!  There was no more meaning to this life…
Then I heard a voice inside me, some voice that was so gentle and pleasing to the ears.
It was Epi’s voice.
“Why give up?  Why do you want to let me and the others die?  I never blamed you. You did right and I was so proud.  You are a great druid and you have a great heart.  That is why I love you so much.  Even if you fail, I will still love you.  But I will not forgive you if you let yourself down…”
I opened my eyes.  Epi was still lying there, her breathing weak and her face yellowish.
What could I do?  I would be ready to pay any price to save her life.  I started to pray.
“Oh, the ancient and merciful gods.  Forgive my vanity for I am but human.  Grant me the wisdom to find the remedy.  Show us your mercy and your greatness and let Epi and the rest here live.”
A peace descended upon me.  I lifted my head and saw a white shadow in the not too far away hill.
“Who is that?” I asked one of the villagers who were attending Epi by wiping sweat off her forehead.
The villager looked in the direction I indicated.
“Ah, old Robat.  More said he is a holy man.  Others said he is a fool.  I think he is a bit of both.  He lives there all alone all his life and said he is guarding some special treasure.  But nobody really believes him.” He shook his head and continued with his task.
My eyes lighted up.  I knew it was a revelation from the gods!
I took out the discs.  The disc from the Council was dull as ever.  But the other two discs were spinning!
A treasure!  I knew what it was.  It had to be the fifth disc!

Chapter 18
I rode at the speed of wind to the place where I first saw him.  It was not difficult to find, just a single hut with a roof that threatened to cave in anytime.  I crossed the threshold and stepped inside.  An old man was squatting in front of a small fire and had his back turned on me.  He was small in statue and had a limp leg.  The room was almost devoid of any decoration or furniture except a simple mattress and an old wooden box.
“You finally came.” He was obviously addressing me.
“Yes, and I know you can help me.” I said.
“And why do you think I can help?” he turned to face me.  His face was full of dirt and he had lost almost all his teeth.  No wonder most regarded him as a lunatic.
“Because the gods answered to my prayers and showed me the path.” I replied.
“Ah…the gods!” he laughed so loud and I was afraid his remaining teeth would drop off.
 I did not interrupt his merriment.  After a while, he stopped and pulled the box to his front. His face suddenly became solemn.
“Yes, I have been observing you long.  You are a good one.  The gods have chosen well.”
I knew he was not mad.  These eyes were wise and they could penetrate the depth of the one’s soul.
“Now, you must pass the test.”
“The test?”
“Yes, the disc is inside. But it is locked by a magic seal in the form of a mirror.  No force can break it.  You must look into the mirror and think of what you want most in the world!”
I took the box from him.  There was a small mirror in front, kind of brass that had become rusty with dust and age.  
“Be careful, it is powerful and can bring fortune or destruction!” he chuckled.
I nodded and looked into the dirty brass.  Slowly, the dust seemed to fade and the brass became shiny again.  
“Look!  Look into your heart and you would be awarded accordingly.” A deep sound seemed to echo from its depth. “Look!”
I focused my mind and looked.  I saw Epi’s smiling face and those who were sick dancing merrily around a campfire, the epidemic gone.
The lock sprang open!
I opened the box and the disc. Hovered out.  It bore the face of a man in agony and the mark of Nodens, the god of healing!
He saw the joy on my face.
“Yes, it is the Healing Disc.  But it can also bring great suffering in the wrong hands.  You have chosen well.  Should you choose any other thing for your personal gratification, you would have been consumer by a hellish fire that would draw you into the eternal flame of the otherworld!  The gods have to make sure it will not be misused in any way.”
“May I borrow it?” I was to explain our quest.
He simply waved me out. “Take it and do whatever you wish to with this thing.  It is no longer a concern of mine.”  And he turned back to his fire and was more interested in the chicken booth he was preparing than in the disc of me.
I raced back to the village, as I wanted to apply the magic to save Epi and the others.  But that was not really necessary.  By the time I arrived, Epi had already woken from her coma.  Others were also recovering.  
The disc worked on its own according to my will and the epidemic had passed.
Chapter 19
We stayed for two nights to let Epi regained her health completely and to comply with the wishes of the villages to spoil us with splendid feasts to show their gratitude.  There was much dancing and joking around the village square.  Now that we had got three disc at least even without counting the doubtful one from Mona, we could safely prevent Orgetorix to collect five disc to open the gate and the most sensible thing would be to return Marmesse as soon as we could so that we could be protected by Dobunni arms.  The Silure might try to make all out attack on our clan to get the discs but with the strong magic we had gathered and with the possibility of allying us with other tribes including the Memetae, they would have to think more than twice to take that course of action.
So, on the third morning, Epi and I said farewell to the grateful villages and went south, heading towards our much-missed Marmesse. The villages provided us a small contingent of hunters as escort for a while until we reached a point where they were to turn back for their villages.
We traveled light and fast along the valley.  Now that we were close to success, we kept an even more vigilant watch, certain that Orgetorix and that fox Eugenix would not let us enjoy our victory so easily.
And we were so right.  As Epi and I were managing with a dense wood, we heard the thunder of hooves drawing near.  Quickly, we led our horses to shelter behind a huge rock.  The horses drew nearer and we could see them now.  There were three of them and it seemed the one in front was freeing from the other two.  There was no mistake to the identity of the two in pursuit as they wore the headgear of the Silure warriors and one of them was sending arrow after arrow at the rider in black flock in front.  They were rushing in our direction and it seemed the fugitive was in very desperate state as he swayed right and left to avoid being hit.  He had just passed our hiding spot when a stray arrow found its mark on the bum of the horse and it reared up in pain and threw the rider off its back.  
Drunk with success, the two riders reined in their horses and one jumped down, swords drawn, obviously aiming at ending the life of the fugitive who was stunned for a moment and was only able to get up in a most unsteady state.  The hood that had been hiding the face dropped back and we saw who that was.  Nemetona!
Epi and I immediately jumped into action.
A pebble sent the Silure warrior on foot spinning against a trunk and fell flat on the ground.  The second one shouted in anger and with sword drawn, galloped at Epi.  I brought the staff against the legs of the horse and he tumbled forward, his head hitting the rock and spilt his skull.  I did not have intention to kill him but nevertheless he was as dead as a skinned pig.
“Nemetona!” We went to her and could not believe our eyes.  We were careful though, having learned our lesson on Mona and were convinced only after careful examination and applying magic to ensure it was not another case of imposture.
“How did you get out?” Epi was so excited at her sister’s freedom. “Did they hurt you in any way?”
Nemetona still had to regain her mind after the fall.
After a while, she was able to sit down and tell us what had happened to her.
When the Silure attacked our hill-fort, she was leading the small band of warriors to defend it.  She knew it was only a token to show we were not afraid of them and would not run without a proper fight.  So, when the fighting was going tough, she was ready to call for a retreat.  Then, there was a knock on the back of her head and she fell to the ground.  She did not lose consciousness immediately and was horrified to see it was Asla that had betrayed her and attacked her.  Things moved quickly afterwards.  She was overpowered and tied and Asla was about to slit her throat when she was stopped by an enemy chief, which she later learned to be Orgetorix himself.  Then the most tragic moment arrived and she witnessed Tirix being slaughtered as if a lamb in sacrifice and the Fire Disc were retrieved from the secret hiding place.
Then she was brought back to Caerleon where she was kept prisoner.  They subjected her to all sorts of torture but she refused to yield any information that would be helpful to the Silure.  At first, she thought they would kill him but it seemed that Orgetorix was intoxicated by her beauty and ensured she would not be really harmed.
She planned for her escape and as it was impossible to do so in a Silure dungeon, she had pretended to be attracted by Orgetorix also and slowly gained his confidence though he never trusted her completely and had two strong guards watching over her whenever she was not at his side.
When Eugenix and Asla failed to take back the discs from Mona, Orgetorix was furious.  But there was little he could do as he still needed the evil Druid to complete his dream of getting the horrible weapon by collecting all seven discs just to make sure he could open the gate to the Otherworld.  They found out the location of one other disc, the Beast Disc. And they attacked its owner, the Cornovii with his entire army.  There was hard fighting and much slaughter afterwards.  The chief of the Cornvii fell in battle and his head was made into a drinking cup for the feast after the massacre.  Orgetorix was so drunk that Nemetona found her chance to flee.  She was pursued by the two guards assigned to watch her and would have lost her life if we did not save her in time.
“But, Nemetona, Orgetorix has failed as he could not collect five discs to open the gate!  We have collected four discs already” Epi was so exhilarated.
“No, my beloved sister.  We have seven.” Nemetona took out three discs from her pocket.  “I stole them from the Silure before I made my escape.”

Chapter 20.
We stared at the seven disc.  Though we did not know if one was fake, the chance of opening the gate had greatly increased.
What should we do?
“I think we should get back to our tribe immediately.  Only then can we and the discs be safe.” I said.
Epi nodded in agreement.
“Not such a good idea.” Nemetona disagreed. “The Silure had already conquered the Cornvoii and their warriors were crawling all over the places.  We had to go very long way to evade them. Besides, Eugenix had found out the location of the gate and we would never know if there was really no other means to get through it.”
Epi and I looked in bewilderment.
“What is your opinion then?”
“The only way to prevent them to get hold of that horrible thing is for us to get it first. I knew where that place is and we have to go that way in any case now the southern route is blocked.  It is along the road to the east where we must make the detour to avoid running into their traps.”
“But Eugenix would know we are heading that direction once you escaped with the discs.”
“Yes, so we must act fast before he got the information that I had joined up with you and that we had all the seven discs.”
There was truth in her argument and since Epi and I could not think up something better, we agreed to her plan.
So, we mounted our horses and rode east.  Both Epi and I were so happy to see Nemetona alive and well but for different reasons.  All three of us rode in silence as we approached the spot we aimed to reach.

Chapter 21
We rode whole day and stopped to rest only when both we and our horses were exhausted.  We made a fire and Epi gathered some fruits for our meal which we ate in silence.  The prospect of opening the gate caused worry and excitement.  We were curious too.  What would be the terrible weapon that had caused so much fear and concern among the gods so that it had to be hidden away in such manner?
After eating, Epi told us she wanted to take a stroll and gathered some herbs to help us relieve our fatigue.  I offered to go along but she refused.  I knew she wanted Nemetona and I to spend some time alone together and I could see she was kind of sad.
Nemetona had completed restored to her beauty now.  The ride did not tire her out as it should have been, probably she was so happy to be free again.  I avoided her eyes but could not suppress the wild beating of my heart.  The old feelings seemed to floor back all at a time, drowning out my senses and waking up old desires.
Then, her fingers touched me and I jerked.
“Bituitius, do you still remember the promise I made to you before the battle?”
I would be a liar if I told her that I had forgotten it.
“But that was…”
She hushed me, drawing her lips towards mine.
“Tonight would be a perfect night for it.” She murmured.
“But Epi…”
But Nemetona was not listening.  She sealed her lips onto mine and brought me down on the soft grass.  My heart thumped like some bucking colt.  
What happen if Epi came back then?  
But that worry was unfounded.  She had ventured far out into the woods.
I felt Nemetona’s gentle hands on my face.  Tenderly she removed my robe and then her attire.  And she kissed me and guided my hands to her superb breasts.  When I entered her, she moaned under the blanket of stars and it was heaven for me.  I heard the howling of wolves in the distant hills and my mind wandered between my immediate pleasure and the concern of Epi’s safety.
Epi returned safely at dawn.  If she had suspected anything, she did not show it.
We rode in silence again and the mood was unnatural.  I was filled with a sense of guilt.  Epi was moody while Nemetona seemed drunk with the elixir of victory.
We were all relieved when we reached the point where the cliff by the lake was finally visible.

Chapter 22
We would never have found the spot if Nemetona did not show us.  The door was hidden in a shielded cave and furthered covered by a huge vertical slate.  Even if a mortal soul would chance to pass here, he would not suspect anything unusual and certainly would not creep into the crack to investigate.  
“I wonder how that old fox could find out.” I said examining the five hollow circular marks that were without the slightest doubt meant for housing five of the discs which would act as keys.
“He had abandoned his faith and vowed to served the most ancient ones.” Nemetona said in low voice.  We shuddered.  We all knew what the ancient once meant.  Long before the era of we Druids and the gods and goddesses that ruled this universe, there existed something powerful and evil.  Chaos and slaughter were their source of food and reason and compassion something unknown.  So, he had made his unholy pact with them, who were banish from this universe during that big battle!  And he was trying to bring them back!  The world would be swamped with innocent blood if he ever succeeded.
“Let us try to open the gate.” Epi said.  
I hesitated for a moment.  What would it mean?  What could we find inside?  But there was no other choice now and deep inside me, I also wanted to know.
I picked out the disc one by one and tried on the hollows.  Some fit, some did not.  But finally, we fixed five of them on the marks.  I had in my hands the Beast Disc and the Mona disc left.
There was a rumbling sound.
We stepped back and watched in amazement as the huge rock door slid open.
There was a small dark cave immediately after the door and then a narrow tunnel led to an ending with a mysterious blue light.  We looked at each other.  Finally, we mustered enough courage to take our step and walked in.
“But what is the use of the other two?” Epi asked.
Even before she finished her sentence, we heard the rumbling sound behind us.  We turned around and were just in time to see the rock sliding shut!
We tried to arrest its motion.  But the force was too strong.  We jumped back into the cave just as the door locked us in.
I cast a spell and there was light in the cave.
The rock surface was dripping wet.  But we could see strange marks on them.  They did not belong to our druid sign system and we suspected they were much older, rougher and conveyed a spirit of brutality and intolerance.  There was also one hollow mark on the rocky wall to the left of the door.
I placed the Healing Disc in and again the door slid open.
“So, this is the escape disc.  Anyone entering the cave without this would be trapped.” Nemetona made a summary of our observation.  
“I see, so in order to come in and get out, you needed at least six discs.” Epi said.
“Yes.  Very thoughtful.”
The rumbling sound came again and the door again was shut.  So, even with the disc in the hollow, the door would shut by itself after some time.
“Shall we proceed?” I asked.
Nemetona led the way.  It was a long tunnel.  Epi and I were reminded of our scary experience in Memetae and wished that none of the kind we had encountered inhabited here.  We would not be so lucky every time.
We finally reached the end of the tunnel.  A much larger cave awaited us.  It was divided into two halves, separated by a deep abyss in between.  A swinging rope bridge hanged precariously in between.  It was the only mean to reach the other side.
We went to the edge and looked down.  What we saw was horrifying.  Though the objects were so small due to the great height, we could identify as of humanoid form.  They were the source of the blue light, with limbs like humans but on their heads were horns that ended in sharp points.  Their bodies were no more than skin over skeletons and they were groping at each other, biting, tearing, and emitted that made our hair stand on ends.  It was differently non-human.
“The passage to the Other World!” Nemetona exclaimed.
We looked across to the other side.  
There, glittering in the dark was a crystalline sarcophagus.  We could see it was empty and a kind of icy smoke enveloped its base.  But our eyes were all caught by the object that stood on its own on the top of the cover.
It was a double edge war-axe of immense size.  Though it was stationary, its dark and evil blades sent rings of energy across the space.  As we starred longer, those energy took hideous shapes of human like shapes in bitter agony, some trying to flee in vain from the grip on their gas form bodies, twisting and crushing and as soon as one such shape disappeared, another would take its place in its dance in horror.
“The Evil weapon!  The Axe of Affalach!”
I was drawn by it, followed by Epi.  It had a magical property that our eyes seemed drawn to it as if iron to magnet.  
“Stay where you are!” we heard a voice and turned.  
Nemetona was on the ground.  She seemed to suffer no mortal wound but was knocked out by a staff.  
Eugenix and Asla were standing there, smiling.
“How on earth!”
The evil Druid laughed.
“Thank you for leading us in.  It had saved me all the trouble.  Nemetona thought she had stolen the discs.  But she was wrong.  I wanted her to steal them.  And she would come to you.”
“But, how could you…”
“Of course I can.  The five discs were outside.  No. Do not be surprised or feel any guilt.  You could not have prevented it.  If you remove one single disc from there, the door would snap shut and you would not be able to come it anyway. So, the waiting is over.  And I will be the master of the Axe!”
“We won’t let you.” Epi was defiant.
The Druid hissed. “And what can you two miserable things do to stop me?  Bituitius, you should devote more of your time to improve your magic, particularly some that would give you real power, the power of destruction.  Ah, but no, I have forgotten.  You are a peaceful druid and would not harm anything at any cost, right?  Good.  That is excellent.  And you know the odds of your magic against mine, don’t you?”
Of course I knew.  We had as much chance of a sparrow against a charging hawk!
“Asla, get the axe!”
“Not until over my dead body!” Epi guarded the end of the swing bridge.
The old druid simply smiled.  We had forgotten something.
Asla blinked her eyes and immediately took the form of a crow!  She needed no bridge to cross the abyss!
Epi was fast too.  Once Asla in the crow form took flight, her pebbles were in the air, homing in! And she never missed!
Eugenix realized what had happened and he was prepared for it.  From his rod, s protective magic shield shot forward, covering his female disciple all the way.  The pebbles just bounced off!
Epi was desperate.  She shot three pebbles in quick succession with the same result.
By that time, Asla had reached the other side and perched on the cover of the sarcophagus.  She became her human form again and reached her hand towards the axe.
“Nothing could stop her now!” I thought.
Epi shot out her sling again.  The old Druid sneered at such pointless gesture.  
But he was wrong!
Epi had sent out two pebbles instead of one as the old Druid expected and was sure the shield would cause it to bounce off again.  The first pebble indeed hit the shield. But the second one was not aimed at Asla.
It was aimed at the blade of the axe!
The pebble bounced from the axe from an unprotected angle and caught Asla between her eyes!
She gave a sharp cry and fell backwards, and then there was a sharp shriek as she realized she was falling into the waiting arms deep down!
We did not want to look what had happened.
Eugenix’s face contorted with anger.  We had always suspected the old Druid and Asla had some kind of unusual relationship other than master and pupil.  Now it was finally confirmed.  But the element of anguish was not there.  It was simply rage, rage of being deprived of his deserved trophy, even though it would only mean for a very short time.
From the rod, two balls of flames shot in our direction and both Epi and I had to jump to escape being roasted alive!
He was advancing now and the fire balls kept us on our feet to do anything that could stop him reaching the bridge.  Epi tried her sling again but the pebbles just vapourized in the blocking flame.  Eugenix made sure there was no more lucky hit!
I reached into my pouch, hoping to find the last disc to throw at him.  It was not expected to get results but at least I had to do something.
My fingers touched something round and an idea ran through my head.
I took that out and sent it rolling on the ground towards the old Druid.
“Epi, don’t let him get that…please!” I sounded the greatest urgency.
Epi let go another round of pebbles but Eugenix simply used his staff to ward them off as if they were mere flied.  But his attention was caught by the rolling thing now.  I could read his mind: what was it so important that I had to stop him from getting?
He picked it up and looked into it.  His eyes showed his amazement and his face broke into a smile looking at the object as if he was being entranced by a deep probing voice.
     “Look!   Look into your heart and you would be awarded accordingly.”
Then it happened!
A fierce black flame erupted from the mirror and engulfed the entire body of the Druid.  He screamed and waved his arms like a madman.  We could see his flesh being burnt away, the sockets of his skull glaring with astonishment and hatred and then he toppled over the rim and joined his disciple in the blue abyss.
I did not know what the old Druid wished to see in the mirror but it certainly would not be the healing of the sick.

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