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  • 级别
    • 职务总版主
    • 财富3
    • 积分317401
    • 经验30964
    • 文章5788
    • 注册2009-02-11
    hree years waiting for a passport
    My brother and his wife are doctors in America. They always stay to pay attention to the situation of Chinese family members. After the establishment of the Ministry of foreign affairs, they immediately applied for us to immigrate to u. firstly, my parents immigrated. Then in 1980, my sisters and I got American approval. Immigration and Naturalization Bureau. So I applied to medical school for permission. A long time ago, I heard that the Party committee of the medical college had agreed and my application had been transferred to the public security department for approval (in China, passports are issued by the public for security). I waited for a long time, but it was like a stone thrown into the sea, no response. We all know that the approval of the unit (Medical College) is the key. Medical college is a provincial unit, equivalent to a provincial department. In those who used to be Secretary of the Party committee of Kunming Medical College, one was transferred to the provincial public security department as vice president; the other was promoted to the Organization Department of the provincial Party committee. It's strange that my application was delayed to the public security department. Whenever I go to medical school to ask, the answer is always the same: medical school agreed, so I need to ask the public security. The Municipal Public Security Bureau has a total visit time of two afternoons per week. The petitioners were in a long line. Arriving at the front often means from the interviewer: "we'll review
    [ 这个贴子最后由冰云在2020-4-19 21:01:57编辑过 ]
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