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    • 职务总版主
    • 财富3
    • 积分317377
    • 经验30893
    • 文章5765
    • 注册2009-02-11
    The villagers don't care about politics

    I had a meal and a bed in Donghua District, where I have been seeing almost every family. From the words and deeds of the villagers, I can see that they have left deep Chinese feelings. In their hearts, they identify themselves as Chinese, indignant at being classified as a secret, and indignant at the Han nationality, one of the ethnic minorities in Vietnam. They often consciously realize that they are more capable, more hardworking and earn more money than Vietnamese. Before the Communist Party seized power, the rich Tianyuan residents were almost all overseas Chinese. Chinese seldom marry Vietnamese. The fact that the quality of goods made in China (materials provided by the Chinese government or small-scale goods and drugs smuggled from Dongxing) is higher than those produced in Vietnam also contributes to this recognition. However, comparing their life in Vietnam with what they see and hear, their relatives and friends in China (mainly in Dongxing area) prefer to live in Vietnam. They occasionally mention events in the early 1960s, when a large number of Chinese fled Dongxing to seek shelter with their relatives in Vietnam, crying that after the government confiscated the crops, people were so hungry that they had to eat grass roots. They don't understand why the Cultural Revolution tortured and killed people. They exclaim that "China will always be a place where nine evils cannot be forgiven and can't live." I have never asked what happened to me in China, but I sympathized with "escaping from the predicament" and came to Vietnam, providing various means of help and protection. I have never seen Vietnamese study politics or hold political gatherings, or heard them use political terms

    [ 这个贴子最后由冰云在2020-3-15 16:55:09编辑过 ]
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