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    To My Beloved (On 2008 Valentine’s Day)  给我的最爱(在2008年情人节)


    A rose deep in my heart,    一朵埋于深心处的玫瑰
    You helped it to grow,      你曾一起呵育
    It’s sweet,              它甜美如斯
    As dear as can be.         珍贵无比
    But today, I want you to see, 在今天我怀着希冀
    What that means to me.     但愿你明白它对我的意义

    This rose like a gem        玫瑰如宝石
    This rose like a poem       玫瑰如诗
    With our laughter and tears  它包含了我俩欢笑, 我俩的泪
    It’s precious,            它如此稀有
    As brilliant as can be        光芒夺目
    But today, I want you to see…在今天我怀着希冀
    A little secret in me.        但愿你明白我心中的隐秘

    A new bloom,             一朵娇嫩的花
    Growing from the day      在你站到我面前的那一天
    You came in front of me,    悄然绽放
    In such a wonderful way,    如此美妙
    O’ Who else can be?      还有谁能? 除了你…

    As sunlight on a stream    就如晨曦之于清溪
    Returns each day as the morning breaks 在每一黎明再照洒原地
    As moonlight on a stream  如月华之于清溪
    Returns each day as the evening sets 在每一黄昏默默升起
    I remembered that time    前情如昨, 我永不忘记
    O’ You came to me       那天在我之前, 站着一个你

    The rose was a bud,      玫瑰是蓓蕾
    The rose was a bloom,    玫瑰是绽放的惊喜
    Today a lovely blossom   今天也有一可爱的娇花
    Not the one in the store   ---不是花店中的
    Not the one in the garden 亦不属园圃所有
    But deep in the heart of mine 而是在我心深处

    Remember, this rose,      让这玫瑰铭烙于心
    As dear as can be       因它珍贵无比
    Through all the years    年如逝水
    Part belongs to you     它属于我
    And part belongs to me  亦属于你.

    (为了保存诗的味道和音韵, 有部份翻译略作调动)
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