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    • 注册2005-07-12
    Chapter 23.
    We breathed a sigh of relief.
    We were happy too fast.
    “Stay where you are or she dies!”
    We turned and saw Orgetorix holding a sharp dagger at Nemetona’s throat.
    It was the first time for us to see Orgetorix face to face but we knew it was him, the high cheek bones, the handsome and commanding face, the power insignia on his crest.  There could be no mistake.  She had just recovered from the stunning hit received at the hands of the old druid and was totally unprepared for the Silure chief.
    I exchanged a glance with Epi.
    “Don’t even think of it!” warned Orgetorix. “I assure you that I have no hesitation to cut her throat if you would even wink your eyes!  Drop your weapons!  Sling sword and staff! Now!”
    We froze and then we placed our weapons in front of us.
    “Kick it into the pit!”
    We had no alternative.
    He was using her as a shield now and inched towards the bridge.  He crossed the bridge and then in front of our eyes, he took the axe down!
    The axe became radiant in its dark form, as if life had been injected into it!
    We watched in horror.  He used Nemetona to shield him across the bridge again but this time, he was much more confident.  He had the axe and its power!
    “So, what should we do with you, Bituitius?  You had disrupted my plan more than once and led me to disappointments.  Though, to be fair, you also made this possible for me.” His eyes shone. “Yes, I know what to do.  You will make a fine test of how powerful this weapon can be!”
    He let go of Nemetona and swung her to one side and with both hands he made a vertical cut in the air.  A powerful surge of energy rushed towards my chest, as I was dumbfounded.  My feet refused to move in sheer terror!
    I was certain that I would die!
    But something happened so fast!
    Before I knew it, a shadow jumped in front of me and I heard Epi’s scream of pain!
    “No1” I cried out in agony!
    She was at my feet, blood oozing from her sweet little mouth, her chainmail was cut open, revealing her chest and a definitely mortal cut!
    “Epi, No! Epi!” I held the dying Epi in my arms.  Orgetorix could make any cut now and I did not care.
    “No1 why did you kill my sister!” Nemetona was screaming too.  Orgetorix pushed her aside and made the second cut.  But no wave of energy came!
    Orgetorix was as astonished as I was.  
    But he had no time to figure out why.  Nemetona was over him nails and craws.  
    “You promised!  You promised not to hurt her!”
    And I understood!  She was with him all along!
    She had led us to the cave and had made sure he would follow us!
    “Why? Nemetona? Why?” my eyes shot out flames of hatred.  She had deceived us and caused the death of her sister!
    But I did not have to ask the reason as it all dawned on me.  He was her lover!
    “Stop it! Neme! “ The handsome Silure was shouting.
    But Nemetona did not stop!  She was out of her control and she kept on attacking and then…
    She gave a groaning sound and she slowly sank on her knees.  Orgetorix looked at the edge of the axe’s blade.  It was covered with her blood.
    For a moment, he did not know what to do.  Then, he collected his evil self and searched into Nemetona’s clothes and took out the Healing Disc.
    “Farewell, Druid.  Rot here!” He cursed and rushed for the gate.
    I wanted to go after him, to fight him, to drag him into the abyss with me but my strength had failed me.  I laid down Epi on the ground and went to Nemetona’s side.  
    She was sitting against the wall of the cave now; her hands covering her cut open stomach.
    “I am sorry. Bituitius!  Forgive me…” And then she was dead.

    Chapter 24
    I sat there in utter despair. Orgetorix had the evil war-axe and six of the discs and there was nothing I could do to stop him.  The two women I had loved in my life were both lying dead.  I had totally failed.
    I sat there for a long time, starring at their fallen bodies and then into the void.  Nothing mattered now.  The Silure would assume supremacy and all the tribes would have to choose between to bow as slaves or died fighting to escape that sad fate.  I thought of Sirona and wept.  She had trusted me and I had failed her, completely.
    When I did come back to my senses, I realized I could not leave the bodies of Epi and Nemetona to decay and rot just like this.  I decided to carry their bodies and put them in the crystal sarcophagus.  There, they would lie side by side, sisters once more and I would guard them here until my own end.
    I pushed the cover of the sarcophagus to one side so that it would be enough to put their bodies in.  Then I had their arms folded in front of their chests and took a final look at their lovely faces.  I was about to push the cover back to seal it when I noticed something at the end of the crystal coffin that I had failed to see before.  It was a round hollow on which some special signs and patterns were engraved upon.  What was this meant for?  Was it some kind of chant that would escort the dead to the otherworld?  It was certainly familiar…
    Then I recognized it.  It was in the same pattern as those on the seventh disc, the disc we got from the Druid council and served no purpose!
    I took it out from my hidden pocket and placed it in the hollow.  It turned!  So, this disc was also real and had its purpose!
    A bluish glow began to appear at the far side of the cave before my very eyes.  In the midst, I could see two human forms, sitting facing each other.  There was a table between them and it was obvious they were playing a kind of game or engaged in some contest.  One of them wore a black robe and the other, white.  
    I stepped towards them and took a closer look!  What I saw made my mouth drop.  They were both ravishingly beautiful.  But what was even more surprising was that they looked absolutely identical!
    Who were these two ladies?  Were they twins?  Why did we not see them before?
    The game they were playing was of the uncommon sort.  Their palms were extended over the board without touching any of the pieces and through some kind of force, a green light was emitting from the center of their palms which would move the pieces around.  The game had reached a critical stage and I was sure the black side was winning.
    The one in white robe turned to me and smiled.
    “So, you have given up?” She was addressing me.
    I did not know what to reply though by instinct, I knew what I saw was something magical and somehow connected to my present state.
    “Is there any other alternative?”  I asked.
    “Of course.” She directed her eyes back to the board.
    “I do not think so…” even as the word came out of my mouth the situation on the board was changing.  The area controlled by the white pieces expanded and the dark forces were driven back into equilibrium.
    “So, you are the goddess controlling the righteous course!” I suddenly realized what all this was about.  Then I looked to the black robe woman.  If the white one was of Right, then she must represent Evil!
    “Do not be silly!” The black robe woman seemed to be able to read my thoughts.
    “There is no absolute right nor evil in the universe.  It is all relative and one cannot exist without the other. Like the Water disc.  It could bring about irrigation but it could also mean flood.  The Fire disc, weapons of war alongside crafty tools.  The disc of wind allowed you power of flight but you could use it to raise a tempest.  Earth is for mining as well as terrible quakes. The Disc of Beast increased brute force but if properly used, could bring about abundance in livestock and the one bearing the image of agony of Man could mean disease, or the relief of it through healing. And this..."she held out her hand and the disc from the hollow flew and hovered over it. "It could bring ignorance or enlightenment.  It was all a matter of choice."
    I could not understand. "Surely to be in the right was important."
    The lady in white turned to me.  “What would happen if she was not here, there would be no struggle, no war but also no game.  Life would be plain white and intolerable.”
    “So, you let Evil to exist?”
    As if by mutual consent, the two ladies halted their game and walked to where I stood.
    “You still do not understand, Bituitius.  Right and Evil have always co-existed, side by side.  It is our duty not to let one overcome the other completely, not until the end of days.”
    “And so you allow the kind like Orgetorix to wreck the world, to kill innocent and them?” I raised my voice to the level of shouting to express my anger.
    “No. You, Bituitius, are allowing it to happen.”
    “Of course, you.  Who else?”
    “But what could I do?  He had the axe and no one could stop him now.” I dropped my head.
    “And what would you do?  Just sitting here and wait for your final breadth?  Do you know what would happen if you do not do anything?”
    I starred blank.
    “Look!” The white lady raised her arm and pointed.  On the wall a strange scene appeared.  I could see him now, wielding the evil axe, shields and armours shattered into fragments of wood and metallic sheets before it.  Next came the line of prisoners, hostages and fine young men and maidens chosen by the tribes, lined up one after and other and slowing moving to the altar dyed in red, only to perish at the blade of the axe.  The scene changed and I could Marmesse now; its ground littered with those inflicted with terrible sickness.  Our chief was among them, and also Ogmo, his son and heir, all-helpless in their pitiable state. I knew why.  Orgetorix had unleashed the power of the Disease disc and our warriors were decimated.  I had no doubt he would use the other disc too to bring havoc among those who dared oppose him.
    Then the scene changed.  Two armies were facing each other.  I could see Sirona on her chariot, Alicia too, as her ally and they led the greatly reduced Dobunni and Memetae forces forward.  And my heart sank as I saw Orgetorix, the war-axe in hand, charged at the head of the Silure hordes.  The axe was formidable, sending waves of destruction even before the two sides clashed.  Lances and swords broke like reeds, shields shattered as if they were of made of soft timber instead of hard oak, and human bodies cut into halves and heads rolled.  It was a massacre!  In desperation, Alicia summoned the Worm and it turned the surging tide for a while.  But even it was no match for the Evil one.  It was cleaved from head to tail and the next instant, both the heads of Alicia and Sirona was in mid-air!
    “No1” I shouted and sank to my knees.
    She let her hand down and the vision vanished.
    “Are they all dead?”
    “Not yet.  This is but a thing that will come to pass if you do not do anything.”
    “But what can I do?  Orgetorix has the axe and he controls all the discs. Each one of them powerful talisman of magic that I can never compete.” I was running out of my mind.
    “Can you?” The musical voice of the White Lady had a most soothing effect. “What about the weapons that you have acquired during the quest?”
    “Weapons?  I have no weapon…”
    “Sure you have.  They are all inside you.”
    I could not understand.
    “So, what are the most potent weapons in the world?” She asked.
    “Wisdom, courage, trust, patience, humility, forgiveness and compassion.”  It was the other lady who answered for me. “With these, no evil force can stop you.”
    I was dumbfounded.
    “But…but what about the axe?  You saw that yourself…”
    The lady in black nodded.
    “Yes, the axe is a terrible weapon and the gods would not ask you to do the impossible, only the very challenging.  Look!”
    She pointed at a corner, which was immediately illuminated.  A large circular silver shield stood there.  
    “This would be your weapon.  Though the axe could smack any shield or armour, this one would stand!”
    “And I can win with this?”
    “No.  It will give you a chance.  You have to achieve victory with your own strength inside you.”
    I began to understand what they were talking about.  
    “But the door was closed.  I could not get out without the disc that locked it in place…”
    “What door?” The white lady smiled.
    I turned around.  And I was starring at a placid lake; a beautiful animal was standing there, waiting.  It was a pegasus!
    I turned to face the ladies and the cave no longer existed!  We were standing by the side of the lake.  Only the sarcophagus that housed the bodies of Epi and Nemetona stood evidence to our entry into the cave.
    “How come?” I was shocked.
    Both of them smiled. “The only door that cannot be open is in your heart, when you refuse to turn the key. We will guard over their bodies and ensure they will not decay.  And if you can bring back the axe here within three days, there is a chance your friends can live.”
    “What?” My heart began to beat fast.
    “Yes, but make haste.  For if you return later than the third sunset, when the last shed of light of the sun escape behind those hills, even we can do nothing to revive their young lives.”
    I lost no time.  Taking the silver shield, I threw myself onto the back of the pegasus.  It snorted and neighed once and then extended its wings and we were among clouds.
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