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    • 财富7
    • 积分689005
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    • 文章9466
    • 注册2005-07-12
    Chapter 13

    We finally arrived Mona.
    For the holiest spot of the Druid world, the island seemed surprisingly common.  There were lines of the sacred oak trees of course, and a ring of stones that marked the site on the small cliff looking down to a clear holy lake.  But other than that, there was nothing really so different from other sites.  But a trained eye would spot the differences immediately as he set foot on the shore.  A ring of energy seemed to vibrate in the air, every breeze a personal message.  And there was heavy traffic along the road that led one from the shore to the top of the small knoll.  Druids young and old, females too, were making way towards the circle of stones, their gleaming white robes fluttering in the wind.  Many came her to seek advice from the wise old ones, to make an offering into the placid lake, or simply to come to revitalize their spent strength by sucking in the air along with its magical qualities.
    The Council convened around the ring of stones and the most senior of the druids took the seat as head for that particular day.  The Council had no power to enforce any decision made as each druid was free and would be responsible only for his/her own conscience.  Still, the words of the Head of the Council, together the support of the elders, carried weight and the decisions made were more or less universally observed.
    Epi had put down her short sword and her sling on the shore before we climbed up the gentle slope that would lead us to the top of the small cliff as no weapon was allowed beyond that point.  But I was allowed to keep the oak staff.  The old Druid who collected her weapons eyed us suspiciously as if he had seen a ghost.  We knew not the reason but such glance was repeated from others along the way.  People starred and pointed and it made us very uneasy.  We had no time to find out the reason as we suspected foul play was in the make. Otherwise, our vessel would not be detained in such manner and although we had met the challenge in the most ingenious method, it had delayed our arrival somewhat, though may be not as much as our Silure friends would like to.
    There was quite a large gathering of druids at the top.  The wind was stronger there too and the fluttering of the white robes looked as if a hundred birds of shining white feathers were about to take flight as they stood shoulder to shoulder and formed a close pack circle facing the inside.  Some debate was going on and Epi and I had to elbow in.
    The sight took us completely by surprise.  All at once we understood why the others were looking at us in that strange manner.  In the center of the open area sat Amlawdd, the eldest known and most revered Druid was sitting on the flat of a large rock flanked by equally renowned old masters.  They were hearing the plead of two persons before them.  I almost could not believe my own eyes.  I was looking at another pair of Epi and myself!
    Epi was equally shocked.  She was about to rush forward when I caught hold of her shoulder and held her back.  My eyes told her to contain her temper and it was better to wait and see what had happened before we unmask the imposters.  We pulled our hoods lower to hide our identity for the moment.
    The “Bituitius” in the open was in the midst of his petition speech.
    “…So, beloved Amlawdd, this is the state of our tribe when the noble Sirona sent us, on behalf of her father, Cu Ciann, whom we all had grown to love.  The Silure are on the path to seek hegemony over all the tribes and Orgetorix had allied himself with the treacherous Eugenix and his disciple Asla, attacked our tribe in the most barbaric manner and even slay Tirix, the nineteen year old son of our great chief in order to steal the Water disc in the possession of our tribe.  Doubtlessly, they would seek ways to obtain the other five discs which we all know what kind of terrible consequence would occur if they succeed.  For this, Cu Ciann, our great chief had asked me to be his envoy to plead with the council to lend him the disc now in the Council’s possession, so as to prevent it from falling into the hands of the savage Silure…”
    “But if the Dobunni could not even guard its own disc, why should we entrust another disc to their care?” The old master at Amlawdd’s right queried.
    “Ah, but that is not true.  Our tribe is strong and the hordes of the Silure can hardly be our match.  They only succeeded last time because we were unaware of their plan and through treachery.  Now that we are aware, they will not succeed again.  And what better candidate than us to be the guardian of the discs.  The Silure have the means to attack any other tribe and seize them if they know their whereabouts. And this also put the Council in great peril.  For even if they may not invade Mona, they are not above using means of the most wicked kind, sending assassins to achieve their unholy ends.  From what we heard during the past three days, they had done exactly that and had obtained the Earth Disc from the Queen of the Memetae through deception.  Now they have already collected three discs.  Two more and the secret of the discs would be revealed and great devastation would befall the land.  It is tantamount that the fourth disc should not fall into their hands and there is no safer place than among the Dobunni.”
    “And how do we know you are speaking the truth.  How can we know you are really sent by the great chief and his loving daughter, whom we all admire and respect without doubt as he has extended his protection for the right and the needy in all the past years? “  It was the other old master who spoke.
    “Bituitius” gave a polite smile and gently pushed “Epi” forward.  I began to understand their plan.
    “This was anticipated.  Look, the Great chief and beloved Sirona has sent with me Eporedia, the lovely sister of Sirona.  I trust you have not forgotten her, most noble Almabdd, when you paid us the honour of your visit two years back.”
    Almabdd smiled and did not comment.  His eyes seemed filled with fond memories though.
    “Bituitius” continued. “And as further proof, I have here the ring of seal from the Great Chief himself.” And from his pocket, he took out a gold ring with the largest amethyst embedded on it.  Epi and I both gasped, as it was indeed the true ring of our chief.
    Almabdd took over the ring and examined it, nodding in satisfaction.
    “Umm… If that all said is true, then there is no reason why we should deny the Chief’s request.  He had given us shelter in times of great strife and upheld the honour of the Druid practice all his life, may he live long and healthy.” The first old master became more acquiescent.
    “Not if this man is not what he claims to be!” I pulled down my hood to my back and walked straight to the High Seat.  Epi followed me.  The “Bituitius” was startled at my sudden appearance but quickly calmed himself.  The “Eporedia” at his side was becoming uneasy though.  The circle of white robed figures stirred, as they now were looking two identical pairs.  Everyone knew some foul play was present.
    “Who are you?” the imposter decided to make the first move.
    “I am the one whom you claim to be, Bituitius, who, unlike you, Eugenix, has always spoken the truth and uphold the conduct becoming of a true Druid!” By now, both Epi and I could easily make out who the pair before us were …Eugenix and his admirer Asla!
    The imposter gave a haughty laugh and ignoring me, turned to the chief Druid.
    “Now I see what it is all about.  My most honoured Almabdd.  This must be the treacherous Eugenix and Asla who had betrayed the Chief! Arrest him and I am sure you can find the Water Disc with him and may be the Earth Disc of the Memetae too!”
    “There is no need to search.” I replied, taking the two discs out. “I do have them but that does not mean I am what he called me.  The Water Disc was entrusted to me by the noble Sirona and the Earth disc was lent to us by the Queen of the Memetae, as a token of appreciation for freeing her people from the curse of the giant worm.”
    “What proof have you to testify what you said are nothing but lies!”
    “There is no need to prove.  My words are honourable and are proof enough. And Eporedia here would vault my honesty.”
    The imposter snorted. “She was nothing but a false disguise.”
    Epi was about to rush him but I held her back.  To use force here hardly is appropriate.
    “Noble Almabdd.” I turned towards the old Druid. “ Please do not believe this man.  He is but a dark magician who had betrayed the way of the Druid and sold his soul to the evil Orgetorix. The disc is vital to the survival of all peaceful tribes and must not fall into the hands of these two.”
    “Nonsense! You are the imposters!”
    The accusation and counter-accusation had turned into a stalemate.  There was nothing I could do to prove their disguise.  If he were Eugenix as I was certain he to be, I would not have the magic to force him to transform back to his original self.  Besides, that would prove only I had a stronger magic.
    All fell silent and eyes were turned to the Almabdd.  
    Could he with his wisdom decide on the case?  It was a grave decision as putting the disc in the hands of the wrong person would be unthinkable.
    Slowly, the old Druid rose from his seat.  
    “It is a difficult case to decide really.” His voice was slow and soft and did not carry the tone of authority, as one would expect from a priest of such high position. “And human wisdom may prove inadequate, even for us wise Druids.”  
    There was a round of laughers as his mouse look eyes scanned the assembly.
    “So, I will leave it to the gods to decide.” He stamped the butt of his staff on the ground and two younger druids carried a huge cauldron forward and placed it in the foreground.  Another brought a closed wooden box.
    The old priest came forward and slowly opened the box.  Voices gasped.  A huge spider with seven bright colour stripes on its back was revealed.
    “As you see, “ the old priest used his fingers to catch the back of the spider. “This little thing was caught from the darkest bowel of the earth and its poisonous bite can kill within the time a man needed to take seven steps.  The “Seven step Death Stalker” we called it.”  He raised it high and let both me and the imposter to see it.  “I will put it in the cauldron, close the lid and open the side windows.  Each of you who claimed to be who you are must stretch and put your hand inside.”  He paused to let the message sink in.
    “The gods will decide who has spoken the truth!”
    I saw the “Epi” on the other side pale.  But the Eporedia on my side was not feeling that well too.  It would be risky to bet your life on the whim of the gods.  And it would be a painful death if smitten by that thing!
    Almahdd put the spider into the cauldron and the lid was screwed on.  Four small windows were opened for us.
    “Well?” the old priest looked at us.
    We looked at each other in the eyes.  There was no turning back now, of course.  All the druids were watching in silence.  
    “Do not worry.  The gods will only allow the spider to bit the one who deserves it!” the mouse-like eyes of Almabdd added comical element to this test of life and death.
    We walked forward.  I could feel Epi shaking.
    “Please, Epi.  Do not lose faith.  We are the real ones.” I was praying that she would not back down, that she would have enough courage to undergo the test.
    I looked at Eugenix.  Sweat was coming down his brow.  He extended his hand nevertheless. Alsa was almost fainting but she had no choice.  Her arms were shaking violently as it was pushed into the hole the same time as we did.
    The inside of the cauldron was creepy cool.  All our fears about the dark and unknown rose up from our stomachs.  Epi was afraid but a look from me reassured her as she realized she was sharing the same fate as me.  The other “Epi” was not faring so well and tears were running down her cheeks.
    Something hairy touched my forearm!  I had the impulse to withdraw!  
    “No! “ I said to myself. “I need not fear.  I am the real Bituitius!  The spider will not bite me!” I strengthened my resolve and held fast.  Epi’s face was very white now. The hairy thing must have also touched her forearm.  Her whole body was shaking but she persisted.  Then, suddenly, the other “Epi” gave a sharp cry and withdrew her hand like lightning!  
    All the eyes were focused on her and she knew she had betrayed her real self.  There was a popping sound and the next instant, that Epi was no longer there.  Instead, a crow took flight and fled into the clouds.
    “You fool!” Eugenix pulled out his arm and since it was no longer of any use to hide his self, he transformed back to his original form.  
    “Get him!” The first old master shouted.
    But it was too late.  Eugenix took out a disc and murmured and before anyone could touch him, he was in the air.  
    “The Wind disc!”  I understood what had happened.  It was his means of escape.  So, he was really collaborating with the Silure!
    The commotion died down quickly as the wicked pair disappeared into the blue.
    It was then we realized our arms were still in the cauldron.
    “Can we pull them out now?” Epi was pleading.
    Almabdd smiled and nodded at the two young druids.  The lid was lifted.
    Our arms were there, extended and shaking.  But there was no spider!  
    Only four chicken feathers were attached to the base of the cauldron and it was this who gave us the creepy feeling as if the spider was about to smite!
    “But where is the spider?  We saw you put it inside.” Epi’s face was full of puzzle.
    Almabdd pulled us back.  When our arms were adequately withdrawn, the old druid pressed a catch at the side of the cauldron and a trap door appeared at the base.  The spider was inside.  The moment the lid of the cauldron was closed, that trap door had caused the spider to drop below and there was never any risk of our being harmed in any way!
    “Crafty old Druid!” I cursed silently.
    He must have heard it and he took no offense.
    “So, the gods have decided.  Those who have pure hearts and trust themselves have nothing to be afraid.”
    With that he took the disc from his robe and handed it to me.
    It was a disc unlike those in our possession.  It was slightly smaller and heavier and it did not hover or emit any light.  
    “Was it really one of the seven discs?” I asked.
    The old man shrugged his shoulders.  “It is the disc we had guarded for generations.  Not that it did any good though.  Many had thought this to be a forged disc.”
    “And is it?”
    “Only time will tell, my child.” He went back to his seat and as if terribly tired after the whole thing, closed his mouse-like eyes.
    I looked at the disc again.  If this disc was indeed not one of the seven, then it would mean we were not in possession of three discs and there was still a possibility of the Silure getting enough five to open the gate.  But that was future worry and we had to congratulate ourselves on being able to come out today unscathed.  
    We bade the council farewell and returned to our ship.  It was time to think what we should do next.
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