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    • 注册2005-07-12
    Part III  Bitutius

    Chapter 12
    The plan was to head due north across the Great Bay and then make our way around the north promontory and make a landing on the west coast of Mona. It meant crossing open sea rather than following the land route but would shorten our journey by many miles and save us valuable time. Alicia had provided a sturdy vessel for our voyage and an experienced captain and crew so we were hopeful of a speedy and uneventful journey. Alicia had indeed proved a valuable ally.
    We must have been about thirty miles into the Bay when a shout went out from one of the Demetae crew.
    Epi standing along side me asked, "What is it Bituitius"?
    At first I had no idea and then I saw it just as Epi did. "A ship", we said in unison.
    The ship was too distant to make out any detail but it was clear that our crew were not expecting to see another vessel in these waters. The eyes of most of the crew were on the distant ship so the gasp of horror came simultaneously from many mouths. A huge tidal wave almost seemed to emanate from the ship itself and it soon became clear that it was heading our way.
    "Time for another spell", Epi ventured in a pleading tone.
    I racked my brains for an answer but a saving spell was not readily available and the wave fully sixty feet high was bearing down on us. As the wave grew ever closer I cursed myself for my stupidity and the terrified crew stared helplessly at their fate. The water disc plus a spell could save us. I placed the disc on the palm of my hand vaguely aware of Epi's shouts.
    "Hurry", she cried, "It is almost upon us".
    The disc turned pale blue, vibrated on my hand as if it had just been called into action and then it absorbed my thoughts. I knew it had but how I knew I did not know.
    The sea incredibly opened and seemed to split leaving a gaping crevice. The tidal wave then fell into the resultant hole and disappeared from view just yards out from our ship.
    Epi and the sailers clapped and cheered with relief at their unexpected escape while I struggled to regain my composure.
    "That Druid magic is getting stronger by the day", Epi grinned.
    But my attention was already on the next tidal wave heading in our direction but now I was ready. Once again the sea parted and the wave fell into the fissure.
    "Whoever is in possession of the wind disc is creating these waves", I said to Epi.
    "Orgetorix, she gasped.
    "Probably", I replied and dealt swiftly with the third wave.
    We waited - nothing.
    "Well if it is Orgetorix, he has given up", I said confidently.
    Epi linked my arm and smiled and I smiled back at her.
    The rest of the journey was uneventful except for the looks of awe and fear I was receiving from the crew. I was not used to something approaching mass adoration. At last Mona was in view and the next stage of the quest was upon us.
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