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    • 文章9466
    • 注册2005-07-12
    Chapter 8
    I opened my eyes and found myself starring at the high ceiling of some room.  A fire was burning somewhere near as I could hear the creaking wood in the flame.  There was a firm and clean-smelling mattress supporting my body and my head was resting on soft pillow scented with lavender.  My clothes were all gone and I was aware of my nakedness beneath the sheets while my limbs were free to move around indicating my status of a guest and not a prisoner.  I tried to get up but the dizziness in my head forced me to slump back onto the bed when two young maidens dressed in pure white linen entered the room preceded by their merry laughter.  They were a bit surprised and certainly delighted to see I had come around and one placed the back of her hand against my brow and nodded in satisfaction.
    “Your fever is gone.” She smiled and said.
    “Fever?  Did I have a fever?” I could not remember anything except the plunge into the icy water.
    “Yes. And you had been in this state for three days now.”
    “Three days?” My mind was so confused. Then, I remembered Bituitius.  
    “What had happened to my companion?” I asked meekly as I had no strength to get up.
    “Do not worry.  He is in the best of health and is being entertained by the Queen.”
    “The Queen? What queen?”
    “ By our Queen.  Alicia, Queen of the Demetae, to whom we serve as handmaids.  She rescued you from the river along with your friend. Do you not remember?”
    I shook my head.  No, I could not remember a thing about that though I was much relieved to learn Bituitius was unharmed.
    “When can I see him?” I asked “And my clothes…”
    “They were cleaned and being hung out to dry.” The maidens assured me.
    I was about to pursue further about the disc when someone else entered the room.
    She was the most strikingly good-looking woman. I had ever laid eyes upon Her face was kind of oval in shape with a pair of large, clear hazel colour eyes that spoke of an intelligent and confident mind.  The cheekbones were high, as was the nose with a well-shaped chin to complement the sensuous lips. Her blonde hair was pinned neatly behind her head with a brooch studded with seven beautiful precious stones of the highest quality.  But it was her body that captured my attention most.  I never knew a female body could be so temptingly beautiful. Scantily covered by silk of sapphire blue, every part of her body was exactly to the right proportion: the breasts, the waist, and the well-tapered legs… And she was aware of the power she held sway over others through her charms.
    I knew I was looking at the Queen.
    “So, you have finally woken up.” She sat down beside my bed and placed her hand on my wrist.  Her voice was as enchanting as her body.
    I merely nodded and fixed my eyes on her all the time.
    She did not take that as offence and her face broadened into a captivating smile.
    “What happens to my friend?” I pursuit
    “He is well, taken-care of by my handmaids.” She assured me.
    I blushed despite my attempt to remain calm.  I could see easily how Bituitius could be so content in such company.
    I was about to ask more but she placed a finger on my lips.  
    “Rest now, my little one.  We can talk later. “
    “But I ….”
    She kept on smiling at me when she placed her hand over my eyes and murmured something.  In less than a few seconds, my eyes grew heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.  
    I did not know how long I slept this time.  I just felt someone holding my shoulders gently and a heavenly drink was dripped into my dry throat, a most soothing feeling then arose from my stomach and rapidly extended to every part of my body.  I felt safe and relaxed into sweet sleep again.
    When I woke up again, my strength had been totally restored.  To my surprise, even the wound in my leg had completely healed.  
    The maids came in, smiling and deferential as they helped me to dress.  Instead of the tunic and riding breeches I was used to, a silk gown of creamy white was pulled down over me.  When the maids had finished their tying the sash and a number of knots, one of them upheld a full-length mirror before me.  In it I could see a “me” that seemed so much a stranger in my own eyes.  One of my shoulders was bare, and so was a large part of my upper bosom.  The soft silk clang to the contour of my breasts and revealed a deep cleft between them.  Golden sandals were placed under my feet and a coronet with small emeralds was put on my head.  I was not very comfortable dressed as such but I must admit that even I liked what appeared in the mirror.
    After I was properly attired, I was led out of the room.  A feast was being organized and music was in the air.  We passed the open ground between the compound where my room was in and the lofty grand hall situated at the center of the hill fort.  People were smiling at me, masses of flowers being placed along the path I took so that the fragrance would guide me to the hall.  I was somewhat bewildered by such reception.  After all, I was just a poor thing that got chased up by a giant man-eating worm and dropped into an icy pool.  And these were my rescuers to whom I owed my life. Why such civility and honour?
    Before I could find clues to solve the puzzle, I was ushered into the grand hall itself.  Alicia was sitting in the center at the far end, beautiful as ever in her royal robe.  Bituitius was seated to her right.  He looked fine to me but the expression on his face was weird, to say the least.  Then, it was the nobles and warriors, being served by beautiful young maidens.  Three slave-girls, wearing only white gauze light as feathers, were dancing to an exotic melody.  
    Alicia beacon me to sit by her left when she noticed my entry.  I looked across the table at Bituitius.  He kept his silence but from his eyes I could see that something was wrong and he was using his brain fast to get us out of it.  If he could.
    The dancing was finished and the slave-girls retired.
    Alicia stood and made a speech in the local tongue, which I could pick up only a few words.  
    “What is it about?” I lip read to Bituitius who seemed to be following what was being said.
    “The Queen has announced her wedding…” he was lip-reading back to me.
    “And the consort is…..”
    “Please do not tell me it is you…” I stared in his direction but he was listening hard.
    I breathed a sigh of relief.
    “It is YOU…” His facial expression was almost comic. “The Queen is going to marry you!”

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