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    • 注册2005-07-12

    Chapter 5
    I followed Eporedia down the holy path from the sacred spring and into the woods, which were the sanctuary of the great earth mother whose disc we were to search for in the land of the Demetae. We came to the clearing where the horses awaited us and once again I glanced fondly back at Marmesse, the hill fort where I had spent my entire life and I wondered whether I would ever see it again. I mounted my horse and together we rode away from the sacred oak trees that surrounded the holy place.
    Though calm by nature and by reputation a great thinker with a clear mind I was now in a state of terrible confusion. The story of the discs though known to me had hitherto been a matter of legend. To be confronted with it as a reality was so difficult to absorb and comprehend. I must accept the discs do exist for had I not seen one with my own eyes and I must also accept that it is my duty to help Sirona and Eporedia and perhaps indirectly my beloved Nemetona. The saving of my people and perhaps the whole of humanity was a daunting task to set before a man who though maybe wise was no man of action.
    At first I thought the objective would be to search for the two missing discs the whereabouts of which were unknown. Eporedia however favoured heading for the land of the Demetae to try and secure the third disc. The Demetae lands bordered the lands of the Silures on their western boundary. She felt that to be the right course of action for surely that would be the next disc that Orgetorix would seek and we must try and beat him to it. The enterprise was daunting in the extreme for we would have to pass through Silure territory to reach the Demetae lands, a journey that would be fraught with danger and that was just the beginning. All these thoughts were passing through my confused mind as we left Marmesse in the distance-heading west.
    We decided to take a route following the mouth of the Severn as it passed along the southern coastland of Silure territory. This would eventually bring us to the open sea and the Demetaes. We did not wish to venture inland into the dense forests and lofty mountains for this would be a more hazardous and inaccessible route. However we will have to negotiate the dangers of the Silure capital at Caerleon. It was about thirty miles from Marmesse and we hoped to arrive by dusk and barter for the necessary supplies for the remainder of our journey. As we passed by the forested southern approach to the notorious Wye valley a stronghold of Silure bandits we encountered our first danger but not from the Silures.
    I rode my horse a few paces ahead of Eporedia and I stopped suddenly as I heard a rustle in the dark forest undergrowth. The sight of two pink eyes staring at me made my heart pound. I recognized the animal immediately and there was no more dangerous beast than a disturbed boar. I shouted an alarm but it was too late.
    The huge monster crashed out of its cover and rushed headlong at my mount. A small horse was no deterrent to a wild boar of that size and when the collision came I was thrown high off my horse. I hit the ground banging my head the breath smashed from my body. I lay there unable to move but could only look up and see Eporedia standing over me with her short, deadly sword in her hand. Then as the mists gathered in my head I passed out.
    I must have been unconscious for a while for when I came round my face was in Eporedia's hands as she looked down anxiously at me.
    "Thank the gods I thought...” the words never came but her eyes spoke everything needed to be said. She stoked my face tenderly. I looked at her and for the first time came to appreciate the beautiful face at such close distance.  It was different from that of Nemetona’s, being less dazzling on first impact.  But something else was there and I recognized it at once  --- strength that arose from great courage and determination, and a loving heart.  We were so close to each other now.  I could feel the warmth of her breadth now; her breathing quickened as our lips barely touched.  
    "No! We have work to do we cannot…" Her protests were so weak that she could not have believed it herself.  When I wrapped my arms around her shoulder, she did not even attempt to recoil.  I could feel her soft body against mine, shivering from fear, fear of being refused, or being accepted and committing an act of betrayal to her sister.  I kissed her tenderly, our bodies melted into one and I could almost listen to the wild pounding of her heart as I held her body tight.  And we just held close and listened to the sound of the sing of rain.  Both of us knew we could not give ourselves away to the fire of passion.  Just to nudge close, helping each other to drive out the cold and the unspoken fear of the unknown.  And of our true and what we really were.  It was a long time before we were able to release our hold and breathed freely.
    I went up and looked at my dead horse, its body ripped open by those enormous tusks and its innards hanging out. That could have been me. I looked at the skewered dead boar, a victim of Eporedia's sword and I knew I owed her my life. The boar would have had a great time gnawing my lifeless body.
    "Eporedia" I said but she stopped me.
    "You would have done the same for me", she rapidly replied.
    "Get up behind me, we are soaked and need to reach Caerleon by nightfall. We need lodgings, supplies and another horse before we can undertake the final leg of this journey.
    I realized for the first time that it was pouring and I was wet through.  I jumped up behind her and put my arms lightly around her waist and I could smell the sweet scent of her body and I wondered if my head had received permanent damage. For the first time as we passed through the outskirts of Caerleon it dawned on me that while I had loved Nemetona from a distance perhaps Eporedia had harboured feelings for me. What a complicated world this can be. These thoughts however had to be put to one side for now we must negotiate the dangers of the Silure capital. We must go unnoticed as two travelers a Druid and his companion going about their business.
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