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    • 注册2005-07-12
    Chapter 14     New Threat


    The battle had been won.
    The Uesugi archers were decimated.  Many were cut down in their attempt to flee after the rout.  The Household Cavalry offered some resistance.  But they soon knew their cause was lost.  Hemmed in from all sides, the heavily armored riders could find no room to maneuver to put their weight into advantage.  Men and horses clashed into each other.  Many fell from their saddles and got tramped in the confusing stampede.  Katsuo cut down their leader, the one dressed in Ikkenshi’s armour, with one single stroke.  The mask was removed and we saw his face.  It was Bando, as we had expected.  
    There was no sign of Ikkenshi.  
    The men began to gather their spoil from the defeated foe.  But my heart was no longer on the battlefield after victory was certain.  I begged Katsuo-sama to release me so that I could head for Tennoji.
    “Take Gin-getsu, Jubei.” He dismounted and handed me the reins. “Try to save her.”  He paused and then with a tint of sadness in his eyes added: “In any case, do not let her suffer.”
    My spine felt a sudden chill at these words.  I knew what he meant though both of us could not bear ourselves to face that scenario up till now.  
    “My lord…”
    He held up a hand to stop me from speaking further.  
    I bit my lip and threw myself onto the saddle.
    “Yaw!” I gave Gin-getsu a light kick and he carried me towards the temple with the speed of wind.  
    I had only ridden for a short distance when three riders approached from another direction.  I noticed the back-banners had the badge of the crossed arrows.  They belonged to the reconnaissance unit.  
    “Jubei-sama,” the leader of the three saluted me, his grave looking face betrayed worry.
    “What was it?” I reined in Gin-getsu.
    “New forces spotted on the north moving towards Sakurakijo at great speed. From the dust their horses kicked up, the force is a very sizeable.” He reported.
    “The Hojos!” I knew by instinct.  
    It was the worst timing for us.  Though we had just won a victory, our men were exhausted from the force-march and the fighting.  We could not afford to fight another battle today...

    “Go and inform the Dono at once!” I barked out an order. “And pass my order to Kitazawa to take up my command and form his troops! I must go on an urgent errand!”
    The men saluted me and sped towards the center of the field to seek out the commander-in-chief.
    I cursed inside and spurred Gin-getsu into greater speed.
    Things had turned out bad and there might not be much time left.
    I must find her before the Hojo arrived.

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