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    [小说][原创]《里见传说》Satomi Chronicle

    小说《里见传说》Satomi Chronicle声明

    这不是一部”历史”小说, 而只是一部以历史为背景的小说.
    小说中的大部份人物都是虚构的, 不过, 小说勾勒了日本战国时代的进程, 可以说是那一段时期的快速剪影, 通过故事中人物的眼睛, 作者试图把公家、武家、商人等阶层在历史舞台退登场的更迭呈现在读者的眼前.

    故事是用英文写的, 虽然已过滤了一遍, 仍可能会有不少杀戮及情欲上的描写的, 对这点有反感或未成年的读者, 请不要看此作品.

    整个故事共二十多章, 小土豆会试图翻译, 可是因只能在私人时间作业, 也许会用颇长的时间, 不过会尽力保持每周不少于一至二篇的速度公开. 不过小土豆没有接受过正传翻译训练, 因此, 译笔生硬, 在所难免, 希望大家多给意见.

    希望大家在阅读每一篇后会多给意见, 为了可以给阅读者一气呵成的看, 小土豆会另设一栏给大家留意见. 谢谢.
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      • 注册2005-07-12

      The Satomi Chronicle

      Book One

      The Book of Thunder
      Chapter 1  Shosen (First Battle)


      The blinding rain turned the battlefield into a hell of black, soggy mud. Like beasts we fought, like beasts we died.  I had lost all longing to come out of this alive, we all had.  The neigh of horses, the whistling of the wind as arrows whizzed past to down another unwary victim, the dying scream of men and women and the heavy thud as their armored bodies hit the pitiless cold mud…I knew not how many had fallen at the tip of my yari (spear), nor when did I first face the young onamusha (female warrior) and engage ourselves in mortal combat.  Suddently, I found the tip of my yari buried into her abdomen just below the protective plates.  There was the look of surprise on her face as she fell on her knees.
      "So, this is death..."I said to myself as I gazed into those sad eyes.  Her hands were still gripping firmly the shaft of my yari; she should be no more than my age, so pretty, so brave.  Even now, when Death was no more than a breadth away, she was still defiant, her eyes resolute and refused to plead for mercy.  Relentless rain, not tears ran down her pretty face.  No one could help her now.  Her thirty or so female companions had all fallen. Their bodies were littering the soft cold muddy ground, their youth squandered.  They had fought well and died becoming of a princess's bodyguards.
      It could have been me with the tip of a yari in the stomach.  We were evenly matched and it was my first battle anyway and hence equally inexperienced in the craft of slaughter.  But I survived my first trial of battle and she was to pay the price of the vanquished...
      "Namae?"I demanded to know her name.
      "Karoi...of the House of Chiba." she proudly pronounced her heritage.
      "I am Hitomi, daughter of the Lord Satomi" I let her know who her slayer was.  
      She nodded in acknowledgement.  Then, her face was contorted with a sudden pain rising from her stomach.  It would not be long.  I could have ended her agony by retrieving my yari.  Death would come quick and merciful then.  But that would be an unfitting end for a sister-warrior I had come to admire.
      "Kaori, say your last prayer." both of us were surprised by the softness in tone of my voice.
      "Hitomi-sama...help me...kaishaku..."
      I looked her hard in the eyes and then I nodded.  
      I released my hold on the shaft, letting the weapon's weight rest on Kaori's weakening hands.
      Quickly I went to her back and pulled out my tanto (short sword).  With this, I cut the straps that held the heavy black breast armour in place.  She did not protest and when I removed her blood-soaked green blouse, she even released her hands from the shaft for a brief moment to make my task easier.  Now, there was only the thin white cotton gauze undershirt that clang to her body and the heavy rain immediately soaked it through so that the shape of her small but firm breasts and the hardened nipples became visible.  She should have made a much-valued bride to some samurai one-day, or even concubine of daimyo (Lord of a clan).  But everything would end soon now...
      I unsheathed my katana from its scabbard.
      They called it “Swallow" and it was an apt name, as the blade was light as feather but deadly sharp.
      "Are you ready, Kaori-sama?" I demanded.
      Kaori seemed to freeze for a brief second, and then slightly leaning forward so that her slender neck was exposed and her hands directed the yari in her belly to make a small horizontal cutting movement.  It was only a symbolic of the ritual hara-kiri but it sufficed.  Her honor was now intact.
      "Komen!" I uttered the ritual apology and brought the blade onto the nape of her neck.
      Her head flew, the long black hair that had been tied into a cute ponytail tailing after.  A jet of blood shot from the neck and dyed the shaft of the yari crimson red as her body toppled forward.  I gave it a small kick to turn it over and let it lie spread-eagle in the rain. .
      "Rest and be reborn into Nirvana!" I muttered as I clasped my hands and offered my prayer.
      One of my maidens had taken up the head and rinsed it in a small pool of rainwater and had it presented to me.  She was so pretty and calm even in death. “Would I fare equally well when my time came?" I closed my eyes and tried to envision my head being struck off my neck and the world tumbled round and round as my head made its last flight.
      I heard sound of hooves.  Quickly I turned to face the potential threat.  A group of riders came out from the blinding rain.  I relaxed.  They wore the Satomi clan kamon of chrysanthemum.  Katsuo led the troop of a dozen riders and reined in his horse a breadth away from where I stood.
      "Well done, my valiant Hitomi" he shot a glance at the head of the slain girl in my hand.
      "How goes the battle, Ani-ue ?" I asked, using the proper honorific address to an elder brother.
      "The gods are with us." he spoke as he steadied his mount “But it was a close one.  Had it but for the rain, we might have been worsted."
      My eyes must have shown my puzzlement.
      He laughed and it aroused a very special feeling inside my guts.  How I loved that laugh, so vigorous and carefree, reminding the days when we used to ride side by side across fields of spring.  I knew I began to love him then and I knew how much I loved him now.  He, my half-brother, flesh and blood of my father, whose hands murdered the whole household of my mother before taking her to his marital bed...
      No, I was not just sibling love…that I well knew.  It was something more intense, more forbidden and more sinister.
      I forced that feeling back into my guts,
      'Without this rain, the enemy's gunners would create havoc in our ranks.  Say your prayer of thanks, Hitomi, for the damping of their flint.
      ‘So, Ani-ue.  We have won?"
      "No, not yet though victory will be ours.  The enemy is in retreat and we must cut them off by sealing off the pocket. “He pointed his katana towards the north-westerly direction.  "If only I was given command of the cavalry!’He hissed between his teeth.
      I sensed his anger rising.  He had requested the command of the guard cavalry and was denied.
      "Ani-ue. you can use us...."
      He glanced at those under my command and chuckled.
      "No, my Hitomi, no offence but we need something more destructive than that.  And I had no intention to let my beloved Hitomi meet the same fate as her." His glance fell on Kaori's head now, dangling by the hair, which I held by the hand.
      My face reddened.  Though I knew he was right, that my pitiful command could do no more than delaying the enemy's retreat for a while before being wiped out, I resented to be turned turn..
      I was about to retort when a messenger-rider sped towards my brother.
      "My Lord, unidentified cavalry appearing on left flank!"
      "How many?" my brother's eyes tensed.  It was a grave threat.  With all the men so tired and soaked, the appearance of a mounted foe could spell disaster.
      "We were not able to see, my Lord...too heavy rain but the sound of hooves told a great number."
      "Go nearer and find out, you idiot!" he snapped and as the messenger-rider sped off to do better reconnaissance, Katsuo began to bark orders to his lieutenants to draw up the troop of reserve spearmen just in case.
      "Ani-ue" I called for his attention.
      "Let us form the first picket line."
      He looked puzzled but there was little choice for him.  It would be at least a while before he could muster enough spearmen to form a respectable defense.
      "Hitomi, do not get yourself killed."
      I did not answer.  My maid led my horse, Gin-getsu to me and I mounted him, tying the head of Kaori by the side of the horse-neck.  
      "Mae!" I shouted and led my maidens to the direction of the threat.
      They were many.  The ground shuddered as the hooves trampled on the mudded field.  I stole a glance at the pretty head dangling by the side.  Would I soon meet the same fate, my head adorning the saddle of an enemy samurai and my stripped body lying spread-eagle in the wet mud?  
      Then, I knew my fear was ungrounded.  The ghosts-like army rode out from the wall of rain and swept across the muddy plain towards the pass.  They were my father's household cavalry, released now for the final kill.  Then I saw the battle-banner of Ikkenshi, the character "SKY" set in black against a white background...  
      .I knew what it meant.  Ikkenshi had stolen his brother's victory at the last moment when the bitter part of fighting was over and victory was certain with our father's backing.  That was the way Satomi Fumio would rob the hard earned victory from his eldest and gave it to his favourite one. And all that just because he was the son born of Haru-no-ho, his favourite concubine turned wife.  It was undoubtedly her scheme again and how she would laugh at its success.
      I cursed and pulled my reins and rode back to Katsuo’s side.  It would not be difficult to foretell his wrath when he found out what had happened.

      [ 这个贴子最后由小土豆在2006-12-4 18:35:31编辑过 ]
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        • 积分689005
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        • 文章9466
        • 注册2005-07-12
        Chapter 2  The Banquet

        The rain had eased and the star studded night sky was clear. The large marquee that housed the celebratory banquet stood out against the smaller tents that made up the Satomi field headquarters just as Sirius dominated the stars in the firmament. The Satomi flags and banners waved proudly in the gentle breeze from the roof of the marquee and the noise inside were deafening. A great battle had been won and the Clan was determined to celebrate in style.
        I took my allotted seat at the right of the Lord, directly facing that hateful Ikkenshi and I could see him sensing my seething anger and resentment   He knew he was nothing but an imposter to be heir to the leadership of the Satomi clan, a position that should belonged to me, the first-born and now to add insult to injury he had stolen a victory that was rightly mine   I kept my silence but eyes spoke my thoughts: THIEF!  I was careful not to extend my anger towards my father though.  To do so would be unwise.  No, I would bid for my time.
        Yet, this act of theft would not go unanswered.  Even if I had the patience to extract my revenge on a latter day, my followers would not let this pass without thinking that I was a weakling and that could be fatal.  No, I had to do something, something that would not drive my father to rage and yet humiliate that thief to expose him the fool he was, to ridicule him in front of his own men and let this victory party be turned into a mockery that would stain his banner for many days to come.
         The line of tables extended from one end of the marquee to the other and all the leading members of the clan were in their places. All eyes were focused on the Noh performer in the courtyard.  The music was solemn and the dance slow and deliberate.  It told the story of the Wars of ancient days, between the Taira and the Yoritomo clans from which we Satomi was descended.  I stole a glance at Haru-no-ho across the table at my father's woman.  She was smiling her sweet wicked smile now, her plan apparently so well worked out.  I smile back and had the satisfaction to notice her brow frowned as she sensed something was not going exactly as planned.
        The performance was concluded.  Wine was served as each commander came forward in turn to present the best part of the spoils to the Lord as token of their loyalty.  I saw my Hitomi coming up on her knees, inching towards the Lord with a wooden plate covered with a red satin sheet.  Something stirred inside me.  So she had grown into a fine woman so quickly.  Her eyes were bright, as were fitting for her name-sake as Hitomi meant the pupils of eyes.  Her figure was no longer one of adolescent but finely curved at the right places.  I knew I was her brother but I could not resist the burning of a hidden fire inside me.
        "Chi-chi ue" Hitomi made a slight bow towards the Lord of the clan. "To you, I offer the first kill of my shosen" Slowly, she uncovered the wooden plate and revealed the head of Kaori on it.  
        "It was the head of the daughter of the Lord of Chiba." Hitomi added.
        The Lord nodded and an attendant took the head of the beautiful princess and had it put on the display rack in the open courtyard.
        "Good work, sister!” I exclaimed.  "Now, it is my turn to offer my trophy of war."
        I rose from my seat and knelt before the lord.
        "First, the heads of three of the enemy's best generals." I clapped my hands and my followers came up with three trays, each holding the heads of once proud warriors, their eyes blank and face contorted in death.
        The Lord nodded and motioned me back to my seat.  He was getting impatient to receive the crowning gift from Ikkenshi, the battle banner of the Chiba clan.  I could see the smile on that thief's face too as he thought this would win him respect and fear from all the clan.
        He would have a big shock.
        "Wait! "Chi-chi ue!" I bowed. "I had one more wonderful and unique presentation."  I did not wait for him to wave me off.  Clapping my hands, my followers brought up another wooden tray, covered with black cloth.
        I lifted a corner and let them indulge on the suspense.
        Then I pulled it off.
        On the tray was the body of a black dog, covered in blood and its head stuck between its hindlegs!
        "What is the meaning of this?" my father snapped.
        "Chi-chi ue" I bowed and played out my act." It was a dog I found near the enemy camp and fit as additional dish for our brave brother."
        "Why?" that fool Ikkenshi ventured to ask.  He should have kept his mouth shut.  Haru-no-ho’s face was as dark as the most ominous storm clouds.
        "I found two dogs fighting there for a prize bone..."
        "Ah....so this was the defeated dog?" Ikkenshi said merrily.
        "You mean you killed the victorious dog?"
        "No, not exactly."  You see, my brother, this dog did not fight.  It just waited for the two dogs to get so exhausted that it stole the bone.  So, I gutted it!”
        Even Ikkenshi understood the meaning now.  His hand went for the hilt of his tanto but then suddenly realized that he was no match for me and if he drew first, no one could save him as I would be on self-defense.
        "My Lord," it was Haru-no-ko who spoke. "It seems our Katsuo was not pleased with his brother's victory or even.....at the wisdom of you, our Lord, for the battle's deployment..." she shot me a glance more poisonous than the fangs of snakes but she was still smiling.  Her son was a fool and a coward.  This woman was not.  I felt a chill down my spine.
        I looked at the Lord.  He was also fuming with rage.  As head of the clan, he could order my execution or for me to commit seppuku.  But my followers would not watch meekly and the result would be unpredictable.  Everybody tensed and the air stiffened.
        "Chi-chi ue." the voice of Hitomi broke the stagnate.  Her gentle voice, like running fresh water of a brook, eased the tension in a miraculous way.  
        "I am sure Ani-ue does not harbour any ill intention.  He told me how I should learn from the splendid deployment of this campaign on our way back and as for the dog; I also agreed to have it slain.  I am sure our Ikkenshi would also agree that true samurai can win battles in the correct manner, as he has just won a great victory for our clan today."
        Ikkenshi nodded eagerly, ready to accept the praise and get himself out of a dangerous situation.
        I looked upon the Lord and could see the change of facial expressions from anger to hatred and then to a recognition of the potential threat.  His eyes darted from left to right and his mind was calculating fast.
        Then, he broke into a roaring laugh.  The tension eased and air began to flow again.  A crisis had come and passed, at least for the moment.
        Wine continued to be served.  The presentation of the enemy's banner was deferred later to when they would reach the main castle, when the Lord would be on more controllable ground.
        "I have an announcement to make" he stood up and spoke after another round of victory toasting  "We have decided" and he looked at Haru-no-ho "that our daughter Hitomi should marry the nephew of Uesugi Hansin. That Hitomi should marry the heir to the Hansin clan will bring the two clans closer and eventually unite them. This will be an excellent marriage and create a formidable alliance. Arrangements have been agreed and the marriage will take place a year from now. So we have an extra reason for celebration. Everyone enjoy the evening". My father sat down.
        I shook my head in disbelief. I could almost see the strings. What are they doing? Why insult the powerful Hojos in this way? When they hear the news it is almost certain to mean war and Sakurakijo will be in the front line but then that's probably what Haru-no-ho is counting on.
        I turned my eyes on Hitomi.  She was not showing pleasure or distress.  Calm as a statue under the moonlight she sat, her true feelings kept to herself.  I took another sip of the plum wine and grew pensive.  The night was calm but we all knew a storm was in the brewing.....
        [ 这个贴子最后由小土豆在2006-12-2 8:07:09编辑过 ]
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          • 注册2005-07-12
          Chapter 3 :  The Web of the Spider

          I staggered back to my tent, a dancing girl on each arm, I did not know their names but that hardly mattered. Following me was the gorgeous Midori with her arm around another of those dancing girls. She was wearing a green kimono with patterns of water lily on it and the movement of her tiny feet wrapped in the white stocking was truly irritable. Amid the giggling of my lovely companions, I pulled back the blind that shielded the entrance and went inside.  I new what those people out there was thinking.  Many would shake their heads in disapproval; others would envy such privileges available only for the heir apparent.  I gave a carefree laugh and let the blind fall behind us, shutting out their world from mine.
          Once inside, the four girls, except Midori, began to remove their clothes.  The giggling continued and even intensified as they began to caress each other's bodies.  They were young and had beautiful bodies, their breasts firm and inviting.  But all those had to wait.  The night was still young and I could come back later to sample.  I was walking straight now, sober and intent.  Those outside would be taken back in utter surprise had they been able to see me now.  True, I was no warrior with the fighting prowess of the arrogant Katsuo.  But I was no fool because I knew my chance of continuous survival depended on who could play a higher hand in this game of truth and hiding, life and death.  Midori was also walking very erect beside me.  Her sense of sight and hearing in full alert now.  If there is any eavesdropping or unwelcome guest within a radius of a mile, she could undoubtedly feel it.  There was none apparently.  If there were the slightest intrusion even by the most innocent, her dirk would have found its mark.
          We walked to the backside of the tent, leaving the other four girls in mock erotica behind us as a screen.  At the right spot, we lifted a cover trapdoor.  A tunnel appeared with stairs leading to some underground chamber.  The spot had been chosen to erect this tent so that this trap-door would be right in the front of the back end.  Midori took the lead and walked down, so that if there was an ambush, she could make a resistance for me to retreat.  But the measure proved to be over-cautious.
          He was already there.  At first sight under the dim candlelight, his powdered face was more like a ghost than a man.  But ghost he was not.  He wore the tall cap of a court official, and a dress corresponding to the 4th Grade in the Imperial court.  His eyebrows were shaven clean and another pair drawn several inches above the original position.  His lips were of pink, like a woman.  In one hand, he was holding a paper fan, his other hand was let dropping to one side as if he was too tired to lift it up.  But I knew better than its appearance.  That hand could be very fast.  Being the second highest sword master of the Imperial Court in Kyoto, Sanjo Ichiro could draw and cut a man into halves in split second!
          I sat down before him, careful to keep a safe distance though that would offer little consolation if he indeed decided to get rid of me.  There was no danger of that of course as my demise would hardly fit his purpose.
          Midori sat to our left.  Without my knowing when, she had stripped off her kimono and put on the nearly mandatory black uniform of a female ninja.  
          "Ah...Satomi-sama, finally you came." Sanjo Ichiro's lips parted into some kind of smile.
          "Yes, Sanjo-sama.  I can see you have been waiting here for some time."
          "Never mid, Satomi-sama." he dismissed my apology with a wave of his hand holding the fan.  It was done with an almost effortless grace.  "How went the plan?"
          I nodded. "Everything was as you expected.  The Lord had announced the intended marriage of Hitomi to Uesugi and I could see Katsuo's face turned dark at hearing the news."
          "I heard the bride-to-be is very pretty. Is she not?"
          "Indeed.  She was fondly called the Yamabuki of Satomi."
          "Ah...yes, the lovely yellowish flower that adorned the hillside in spring..."Sanjo Ichiro closed his eyes as if contemplating the floral beauty.  When I was aware he had reopened his eyes and looked at me with that mysterious smile, something was already placed on the mat before me.  And I had not noticed when and how he did it.
          It was a bamboo box, tied with a purple ribbon.
          "You are so fortunate, Satomi-sama.  His Majesty had heard of your name and your fine taste in poetry and songs.  It was a gift from him."
          "The Emperor?" I was shocked.
          "Of course," the smile never left his face.  "Are you going to open it?"
          My hands trembled as I bowed and took the ribbon, slowing untying the knot and lifted the cover.  A scroll was inside.  I bowed again and lifted the scroll with both hands.  
          Slowly, I unrolled it.  Tears came out of my eyes.  Yes, I was so privileged.  It was a poem written by the Divine Emperor.  
          "My life is indebted to the Imperial Majesty forever!" I bowed deep in gratitude.
          "Ho ho ho..." Sanjo Ichiro chuckled as he used the fan to half cover his blackened teeth.
          "His Majesty would be well pleased."
          "How could I serve His Majesty in return for his favor?"
          Sanjo's smile suddenly vanished.  His eyes became icy cold and his whole self seemed to have changed into a totally different person.  
          With both hands, he took out another scroll and unrolled it.
          "The Imperial Edict!" he still used a small voice but now it carried the weight of a heavy mountain commanding immediate obedience.
          Both Midroi and I bowed low.
          "Satomi Ikkenshi is now made 5th Rank of Imperial Court Order and under his Imperial Majesty's instruction, was to ensure war to break out between the Hojo and the Satomi and draw the might of the Uesugi Army onto Odarwara, to destroy the evil Hojo clan who had not been obeying Imperial Edict for the past decade."
          "Hai!" I bowed and took the secret Edict with both hands, then passing it to the safe keeping of Midori.
          "But Sanjo-sama, we might not be able to stand off the Hojo on our own.  And besides, Uesugi might not intervene.  In that case..."
          "Ho-ho-ho..." Sanjo became his jester self again.  "Do you think so? My dear Satomi-sama, his Imperial Majesty would never abandon you to your doom.  The Hojo might take Sakurakijo.  Strong as its walls may be, it can be taken by a siege or by using treachery.  But to take the main Castle of Takiyama would be a different matter.  The Hojo would not have that power, not with the Uesugi threatening their flank.  And as for the Uesugi, his Majesty has already sent messenger to announce a secret imperial edict to order the Uesugi to attack."
          "And they will obey?"  I asked.  Imperial Edict, though once powerful, was only a shadow of its former self now as warlords commanding huge armies could choose to obey or ignore an edict without the backing for force.
          "But of course, my Satomi-sama." Sanjo mused and played with his fan.  "The Uesugi hated the Hojo for a long time, disputing their right to rule the Kanto area...and what is more, his Majesty had promised the Uesugi control of all Kanto area, including the Hojo fief once the Hojo clan was destroyed."
          I grew pensive.  What good would it do if we had a hostile clan at our doorstep instead of two?  We would no longer be able to play one against another.
          He sensed my thoughts immediately.
          "Trust the Court, my Satomi-sama...the Uesugi would no sooner enjoy the fruit of victory than the might of the Takeda clan will be falling upon them.  Then, they would fight to exhaustion...and this will give us time..."
          "Yes, time....while they lock themselves in deadly fight.  The Imperial court would summon enough loyal samurai and ronin and crush the lesser warlords near Kyoto... By the time they realized what had happened, we will march on them and you, Satomi-sama will hit from behind!  Then, we will revive the golden days when the Emperor and the court will once rule!"
          Now I saw the plan.  It was a master stroke.  Hitomi would be the first bait.  The Hojo would be insulted and launched an attack.  Uesugi, being the groom-to-be, would intervene in any case.  Then, another imperial edict will incite the Takeda to battle the Uesugi, typical of Kyoto-style double dressing.
          "And what would happen to the Satomi clan when this is completed?"
          "All of Kanto area will be under your rule, of course." he chuckled.” At the very least, you could be rid of your hated half-brother."
          That, at least, I believed in.
          "And I had brought you some help." Sanjo waved his fan and several candles lighted up behind him.  Five young girls, all in ninja uniform were kneeling in formation.
          "The spider-team from Kaho" he introduced without even looking back. "They will be at your command." The girls bowed.
          I glanced at Midori.  To my surprise, she was bowing to Sanjo too.  Then I understood, she was also one of them!
          My hairs stood on ends.
          I turned my face back but Sanjo was already gone.  And the space behind him was again dark.
          "Satomi-sama let us go back to the tent.  We have unfinished pleasure waiting." Midori was again her obedient maid again.
          I recoiled back.  
          "Have no fear, Ikkenshi-sama.  I was ordered by Sanjo-sama to serve you, and that includes all kinds of service and I will not harm you, not until and unless he changes his order." her smile was captivating, though of a type not unlike the famed spider species that would kill the male partner once intercourse was over.  Meekly I followed her up, my heart beating so fast that I could not distinguish whether it was out of expectation or of fear.
          [ 这个贴子最后由小土豆在2006-12-2 8:07:37编辑过 ]
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            • 注册2005-07-12
              Chapter 4    Sakurakijo

            (Yamazaki Jubei)

            From the ramparts of Sakurakijo, I scanned the surrounding countryside for any sign of approaching cavalcade.  It was my duty as acting commander of the garrison now that the young lord was not here to spot apparent and hidden threats to the security of the castle. None of such was to be found today of course as news of our clan’s victory had reached Sakurakijo two days earlier and I was expecting the return of our young lord and his troops from the battlefield. To be honest, there was someone else that I was even more eager to see.  I had protested when I learned of her asking for permission to prove her worth in battle, citing age and lack of experience as obvious reason to be cautious. As expected, my protests were turned down, not because the young lord did not trust my judgment but that the ojosama, once her mind was made up, was next to impossible to modify.  Hence the month of sleepless nights, tossing in my bed whenever I was relieved from duty and praying for her safe return.  

            The gods be thanked.  Two days ago, fast riders carried the news that our clan had won a decisive victory over the Chiba army and both our young lord and ojosama were safe and sound.  She had conducted herself gallantly and had actually had her first kill, the prize of which was presented to the Great Lord, her father who was lord of the clan.  I let out a breadth of relief.  

            I had watched her grow up in this castle all these years.  I was there when she learned to walk and stumble; I was there when her mother passed away; I was there when she first learned to ride and I was there when she was given the horse she loved so much, Gin-getsu, by the young lord as a birthday present.  From a little girl she had blossomed into a rare beauty, the Yamabuki of Satomi, we called her.  Her oval face was pretty, but not in the sense of court ladies who were eager to attract attention and praise.  Her eyes were bright and intelligent, even a bit cunning.  Her very name “Hitomi”, meaning the pupils of the eyes, was most apt.  Those eyes were a mix of water and fire: water that made it impossible for people not to love her, fire which would burn into one’s soul with its spirit and determination.  

            I sighed.  I knew it was pure infatuation on my part to dare dream of any intimacy.: she, the daughter of the Great Lord and sister of my young lord, I merely a low-ranking samurai that had risen to the present rank of commander of spearmen, a rank of considerable importance but still leagues away from her lofty position.

            The country was quiet.  We cultivated good relationship with the Hojo family just north of our border though the news of the ojosama’s hand was promised the Uesugi, unstable elements had been added.  

            The castle was strong though: Being a major fortress of the Satomi Clan, it stood on a peninsula in a commanding position overlooking the waterway to the west.  Built on solid rock with vertical cliffs stretching down to the sea it is only approachable by a road from the east. It was thought to be impregnable until it was captured by the Satomi Clan from the Hakata Clan twenty years previously.  This proved that treachery can render useless even the most unassailable of walls. The road from the east passes through a pleasant and prosperous town that has grown outside the castle walls and alongside the Cherry Blossom Wood from which the castle takes its name.

             It was along that road that the young lord and his entourage would take as he neared Sakurakijo. The four story-high stone walls and the high main donjon could be seen from miles away.  They would passé through the town before their reaching Tora-mon gate.

            Now, I could see them!  Spearheaded by a squad of mounted samurai bearing the flag of crossed arrows, which was the sign for reconnaissance units, the young lord could be seen at the head of the victorious force marching in steps.  Beside him was of course the Yamabuki of Satomi.

            “Open the Gates for the young lord!” I ordered.

            The soldiers at the wheel sprang into action and soon, the heavy wood gates of Sakkurakijo were slowly drawn by pulleys and ropes and pulled wide open.

            “Yamazaki Jubei welcome my lord and his victorious force back to Sakurakijo.”  I knelt at the side of the road and offered my homage.

            “Rise, Jubei.  My appreciation for your hard work that made the castle safe while I was away.” He dismounted from his horse and pat me on my shoulders.  I had followed Satomi Katsuo for many years, fought numerous battles along his side and there was no other man that I could entrust my life without the least doubt but him.  He was a fine leader, an excellent swordsman and a benevolent ruler loved by the people under his stewardship.

            “Come, my friend, we have much to do.  Call the commanders to a meeting this evening.  We need to keep an eye on the Hojo.” He sighed.  I knew he was not willing to marry off his sister to the Uesugi, if to anyone at all.

            I bowed. Then, I came face to face with her.
            "And my respects and congratulations, Ojosama,  I heard of the bravery my lady in battle and the special trophy presented to the O-dono ".
            "As always you are too familiar", she replied.  There was no way one could be certain if that was supposed to be a compliment or a sarcastic remark.  
            I decided not to pursue further as I noted she was not exactly in high moods. As I was about to turn and went about my errands, she suddenly added,  "Jubei.  Ask them to prepare my mount.  I will ride tomorrow morning."
            "To Tennoji?" I asked.  That was the temple where her mother and her own clan were buried.
            She nodded, and I noticed a sad expression on her face.
            "Perhaps ojosama would allow me to accompany her as escort", I asked.
            "People may talk", she answered.
            "Ojosama is discreet", I replied, "but she should not be riding on her own in these dangerous times. I am simply an escort. “
            "Why do you wish to go riding with me", Hitomi asked looking into my eyes and searching for the answer.
            I was at a loss of words.  I could make up an excuse but I hated the very idea of lying to her.
            She was not really waiting for my answer.
            "Very well, at sunrise then", and she left me standing there watching her as she walked away.
            [ 这个贴子最后由小土豆在2006-12-12 1:41:34编辑过 ]
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              Chapter 5    Tennoji
              We rode in silence. Jubei’s mount tried its best to keep up with Gin-getsu as I spurred it into a fast canter.   Spring had come.  Floral fragrance began to fill the air and in ten days time, the first bud of cherry blossom would begin to bloom. “Would I still see the next cherry blossom season here?” I began to think.
              The marriage announcement took me by surprise but it was not a totally unexpected move.  The unexpected element was in the timing and the choice of my husband-to-be.  Katsuo had favoured the Hojo.  Perhaps this was the very reason why the proposal was turned down as an alliance between the Satomi and the Hojo would undoubtedly strengthen Katsuo’s position.  At least, Sakurakijo would be in a safer condition than it was now.  But the die had been cast and there was little Katsuo or I could do as marriages of daughters were a much parent-controlled affair, we female members of the clan little more than  cattle or horses that could change hands for political ends.
              The Hojos would surely not take this insult lightly.  But they would not attack soon.  The Hojos were not fools.  Before they could launch an attack on the Satomi domain, they had to ensure the Uesugis would not threaten their rear and flank.  I had no idea how they could do this, but do this they would, even if this would take them some time to organize.
              I stole a glance to my left and was aware of the intensive look of Jubei on me.  I sighed, ignoring the message of passion he had been trying hard to convey, albeit subtly.  This was no time for the language and ritual of love and courtship.
              Tennoji was only a few miles from the main castle.  A citadel by itself, it served as a supporting line of defense for the main castle.  Its walls were high and made of huge boulders and a moat surrounded the compound.  It was here that the family of my mother made their last stand and when that failed, took their lives together at the back garden.  Mother escaped, then too young to make the determination, and lived to regret it.  She was now lying among her kin.
              I reined Gin-getsu into a halt in front of the wooden gate and dismounted.  Jubei took over my reins as I made my entrance into the temple.  He was discreet to stay out and not follow me in.
              I walked alone across the quiet courtyard, passed the main hall where a huge statue of Fudomyo-ou sat starring down from the altar, his right hand holding a huge sword, a semi-mocking smile on his face.  I made my way round the twisted archway and made for the rear part of the hall.  It was then that I heard the sound of his flute.
              If there were one thing that I would never grow tired listening to, it would be Jun-ichi’s flute play.  It was not just superb.  It was magical.  Closing my eyes, I let myself be led by the enchanting melody towards the tearoom by the lily pond.  How sad was the sound?  How lonely its creator?  I fought hard to hold back the tears as the melancholic rhythm began to dictate my emotions…..
              The music stopped and I opened my eyes.  And there he was, sitting by the side of the pond, his head slightly tilted towards the azure sky as if he was trying to make out the meanings of the moving clouds.  But I knew better.  Jun-ichi had been born blind.
              “Welcome back, ane-ue” he greeted me without turning his head.
              “How do you know I am here?”  I asked in a very low voice, fearful that raising my voice by a tiny fraction would shatter the perfect harmony around us.
              He turned his head towards me and smiled and my heart nearly missed a beat.  How lovely a face that was.  He could have easily passed for the most lovely maiden, possessing such delicate facial features and pearly skin.  
              “I sensed your fragrance, dear ane-ue.”
              I blushed.  
              “Jun-ichi….”  My heart began to ache.  What would happen to him after I was gone?  Though Katsuo treated him fairly, they rarely spoke to each other. The antagonism sprang from Jun-ichi.  To him, Katsuo was not a half-brother but the son of a monster who had slain all the members of his mother’s clan and who had brought him out into this world which he could never have chance to see.  It was a life that was cursed.  And in return, he cursed all of the Satomi clan.  Except me, of course.  
              “Jun-ichi…” I finally mustered enough courage to break the news to him.  “He had promised to marry off to the Uesugi.”
              His reaction was much calmer than I expected.  And somehow that sent a shiver down my spine more than if he had demonstrated a violent outburst.  
              “Jun-ichi, do you understand what….”
              He raised a hand to stop me.  Of course he understood.  If I was sent to Uesugi as a bride, there would be very little chance for us to meet again.  
              “Let us walk.” He said and stood up, and without waiting for my consent, he began to pick his step through the winding lane flanked by tall bamboo trees on both sides.  Unwillingly I followed.  I knew to where the lane would lead.
              The tombs were largely unmarked, slabs of stones littered in a disorderly fashion along a gentle slope covered by moss.  One of them was better decorated, a Satomi family badge carved into the headstone.  There laid our mother in her chosen spot after pleading with Satomi Fumio, something she had refused to do all the years with him.  She was with her kin at last but I knew she was not at peace.  Not yet.
              :”Ane-ue.” Jun-ichi knelt by the side of our mother’s tomb and began to clear some wild grass growing by its side.  “Do you remember what did our mother say the last time she brought us here?”
              I shuddered.  The scene that had haunted me all my life came back.  A hill-wind swept up and I felt the chill of the place.   It was morning and yet I could almost feel the hundreds of eyes starring out from those tombs at us, at me.  
              “No, please…”I pleaded, trying to back away but found that I could not.  My body was as if petrified and the legs weighed tons.  I knew there would be no escape from the curse.  They called me the princess of the Satomi, the yamabuki.  But I knew better.  The spirits of those lying around this place were addressing the blood in my veins...the blood of a Hakata!
              “Time is running out, Hitomi…..running out….running out…” I put my hands on my ears to stop the screaming in my head.  
              “Please….please…” I burst into tears, trying to flee but found no where to run to.
              Then the sound of the flute rose again and the voice in my head gradually died down.
              My knees felt so weak and I sank to the knee on the soft wet moss, sobbing.
              The music echoed around and magnified, piercing pitch followed by long wails.  I now fully understood what the tune was.  It was the requiem for aggravated souls.  
              It was also meant for us.

              [ 这个贴子最后由小土豆在2006-12-2 8:09:36编辑过 ]
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                Chapter 6  The fall of Innocence


                The wind raced past me as I spurred Gin-getsu into a full gallop.  Jubei was behind me, struggling to catch up.  He knew nothing of what had happened but he sensed something traumatic had occurred when he saw me dashing out of the temple, my face white as a ghost and jumped on the saddle.  Gin-getsu reared up and neighed, once.  Then, we were off, putting as much distance between us and Tennoji as fast as possible.
                We were not heading back to the castle.  Instead, I spurred my mount towards a northern direction.  Gin-getsu kicked up clouds of dust as his hooves made great strides along the road. Soon, we smelled the salty air and the sound of crashing breakers announced the proximity of the sea.
                I gave a shout and kicked Gin-getsu at his sides.  He reared up, surprised at my very unusual show of anger on him.  But he made no complaint and took me on and on, up and up the escarpment.  Jubei was shouting behind me, warning of the danger of the cliff.  I took no heed and charged towards the edge with terrifying speed, only to rein in my bait inches from a definite fatal fall.
                "Ojosama!” Jubei finally caught up, man and horse panting with exhaustion.  I glared at him, fire shooting from my eyes.  .
                "Go away!" I shouted.
                Jubei was adamant. "No! Ojosama, not until you know how not to hurt yourself!"
                I ignored him, facing the oncoming wind that had blown all the way from the Bay; I tried to hide my tears and fear.  He did not pursue but waited patiently at a distance.
                The wind was rising and clouds began to gather in the sky above.  Both of us knew a storm was gathering.
                "Ojosama, please return to the castle with me, at once." Jubei still used the honorific address but his tone had become more demanding.
                I felt the anger in me, a blind rage to be ordered around.   And who was this, the subordinate of my brother!  I lashed out all my spite at him, and using my reins as kind of whip, I hit out.
                The first hit took him fully in the face and he was stunned.  I did not stop and lashed out a second time.  This time, he ducked just in time.  But I was totally out of control by now and hit blindly again and again.  One such lash fell on his mount and it bolted, crashing into Gingetsu and sent Jubei and I tumbling down our saddles.  We rolled down the slope, the world going round and round.  I suddenly realized I was going to fall over the edge and I let out my scream of terror.  It would be a twenty feet straight drop, one that would end my life there and then.  Jubei's grip caught me at the very last second and pulled me back.  He was now on top of me and I could feel the heat of his breadth.  His eyes were mad with rage.  I panted under him, my riding clothes in complete disarray.  I could feel his strong fingers gripping the collar of it. And down below, something was pressing against me, something hard and swollen...
                I knew what it was. And the embarrassment fueled my anger.  But Jubei was no longer the docile attendant he used to be.  The closeness we were to instant death had swept away all his caution, all his sense of servitude and he stayed put despite my struggling.  His strong arms pinned me down.  Hs legs arrested any movement from mine.  And we starred at each other, like beasts locked in deadly combat.  Then, it happened.  Without one single word, our hands searched and explored each other's bodies.  He started to strip me and I no longer offered any resistance.  Before long, his naked body was upon mine and the iron rod sheathed inside my maidenhood.  I bit my lower lip till it bled so that I would neither scream nor moan.  He was ruthless and determined to claim his long desired prize and I was equally determined to give it to him.  I did not love him at all.  No.  Perhaps this was the reason why I decided to give it to him, as a kind of childish defiance, my desperate act of revenge.  My body began to move with him, arching my back so that he could taste my adolescent breasts with his mouth and tongue...I tried to hide the pain and then my first climax.  My body writhed trying to escape the unwanted pleasure in vain.  That excited him further and he cupped both of my breasts with his hands, squeezing them hard.  I yelled at him but the yelling was drowned out by the approach of thunder.  The wind was gathering speed fast and our clothes would have been blown down the cliff if Jubei had not put the weight of his katana on it as anchorage.   Rain fell, mixing up with my tears as I looked at the ever-darkening sky.  He was clutching my waist now, using it as a fulcrum for further thrusts and I found myself responding, collaborating with his every movement of conquest.  The tough female samurai had fled me.  The woman in me rose and refused to be pushed back into oblivion.  
                I decided that I would hate this man for the rest of my life, so that I would forget to hate someone else.  
                I began to moan…

                   (End of The Book of Thunder)

                [ 这个贴子最后由小土豆在2006-12-2 8:09:13编辑过 ]
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                  Book Two

                  The Book of Satin and Steel

                  Chapter 1      In the Wolves Lair
                  (Satomi Katsuo)

                  The night was oppressively hot.
                  I sat by the rim of the pool; the greater part if my body submerged below the water surface.  It was not as heavenly as taking a relaxing hot spring soaked in deep winter but again, I was not a man who indulges in the leaguers of life.  This would do more than enough.
                  I looked around me; the garden was small and surrounded by boulders of strange shapes, brought here all the way from Kyoto by ship during more pacific days.  /on the other side was a line of tall bamboos, shielding the small pool, the two shores connected by a small red bridge.  There was even a small hut in the middle f the pool; Fresh fragrance of jasmine transformed the otherwise intolerable heat into a safe haven for the fatigued mind.  It was my usual refuge when my mind was troubled, the place where I would contemplate when confronted with the most challenging issues.
                  I knew I had more than a handful now.
                  I sighed.  
                  It had been three months since news of Hitomi's marriage was announced.  Yet, the Hojo had not made any move.  No gathering of troops were reported, There was no stopping of trade between the two clans and Hojo Kenji even sent his ambassador to Sakurakijo bringing seasoned fruits as presents.  Of course, I was not so naive to think that they would do nothing to avenge the insult the suffered.  The Hojos were buying for time.  They had to ensure their rear and flanks were not threatened by the Takedas and the Uesugis if they started their march towards Sakurakijo.  The Takedas seemed to have been bought off with the marriage of a Hojo princess to the Lord f the Takeda clan.  The Uesugis would be much more difficult to deal with.
                  Still, the Hojos were not to be deterred.  Recent reports from spies told of widespread uprising of peasants and different sects of Buddhist monks across Uesugi's domain.  So far, these were small-scale uprisings but they were enough to keep the Uesugi on the alert and would think more than twice to embark on foreign adventures.  
                  Very soon, the Hojos would incite more troubles and when the Uesugi were forced to concentrate their forces to deal with domestic rebellions, the Hojos would raise their battle banner.
                  I had done everything possible to strengthen the defense of the citadel, store twice the normal amount of grain and folder.  My armoury was now full of extra weapons and the Arrow Keep was filled with arrows made from the Chiba bamboo.  It would be a formidable citadel by the time the Hojo was ready.  Yet, I knew the odds.  If we culled not be assured of a relief army, the eight hundred strong garrison, even boosted up b a draft of a thousand more peasants pressed into service would stand little chance to hold out forever.  
                  The recent condition of Jubei was also causing me serous concern, though he was as professional as ever in command with his elite spear battalion, he seemed distracted and troubled.  I sensed something between him and Hitomi but had exercised my greatest constrain not to ask, as I was sure such action would bring about a situation we could do much better without at the moment.  I needed Jubei now and could not afford the possibility of damaging the fighting capabilities of my army through pursuing the matter.  That would have to wait.
                  “Dono-sama, i-desuka?” The nightingale voice of Shizuka rose from behind the sliding door that separated the pool from the main compound.
                  “Hai, dojo.” I granted her my permission for her to enter.
                  The door was pulled gently open and she slipped in.
                  I was stunned by the rare beauty of this woman/.
                  Though I had enjoyed her body countless times, there seemed no limit to her enticing power.  She was dressed only in her white cotton yagata held by a blazing red obi at the waist.  The fabric of her bathing dress was so thin that the shape of her breasts and even the protruding nipples were largely visible.  She did not wear any sandals and the sight of her small feet taking their steps towards the side of the pool was enough to cause an instant reaction from below my waist immediately.  She had deliberately abandoned her graceful Kyoto-style of taking tiny steps but had allowed the flaps of her yagata to flip with her every movement, revealing parts of her tempting thighs and tapered legs.  I had to exercise my greatest effort to fight my desire to go up and grab her by her waist and pulled her down with me.
                  She had reached the rim of the pool now and with one graceful movement, her end of her obi had come down to within my reach.  With a swordsman’s reflex I caught hold of it and pulled.  Her whole body spun around and the yagata was peeled off her exquisite body!
                  Blushing, she tried to cover her breasts with her crossed hands across her chest.  I smiled at the sight of the heavenly beauty as she stepped into the pool and waded to my side.  I pulled her so that her smooth back was pressed against my chest.  If she was disturbed by the hardness under the water against her, she did not show it.  I smelled the sweetest of fragrance from her hair, which was tied into a ponytail.  Her face was clean and shone like ivory under the pale moon.  I slowly removed her hands on her breasts and forced them to hold my waist while my own hands replaced their original position.  Her breasts were firm and quivered at the touch of my fingers.
                  “My lord seems to be troubled.” She leaned her head on the muscles of my chest, her voice gentle and soothing.
                  “That is the necessary burden of a samurai.” I answered with a sigh.
                  She nodded.  “Then, release your burden with your maid, my Lord.  Let them be kept in custody at the entrance of this humble house, only to reclaim it when you leave.”
                  I smiled.  It was most irony that out of all places, this small pond and the chamber next to it was the one I could feel most secured.  They called the town the Wolves Lair, a most apt name for a gathering place of traders, ronins, mountain monks, spies and whores.  Every night it was drowned in wine and the sound of sanmeshin, the musical instrument of beautiful courtesans made from the skin of cats and yet in each back alley, everything unspeakable could happen.  Bodies with their throats slit were frequently found in back allies and were buried without ceremony at the graveyard outside the town with little more than a shrug of shoulders.  Yet somehow, I felt the least necessity of taking any guard here though as a wary samurai, I had left the katana at a spot near the pool where I could snatch in time of unexpected necessity.
                  “Does my lord desire my body tonight?”
                  I would be a fool to deny that pleasure.  I held her close by applying more pressure .  She must be equally aroused as I was.  I used my legs to force wide her thighs under the water and submissively, she let me enter her from behind.   She moaned , reclining her head so that I could taste her lustrous lips.
                  “Take me, my lord.”
                  I could do without much prompting.  Holding her slim waist, I began the rhythmic movement of conquest.  Her breadth quickened as I increased the tempo of my thrusts, her face brightened up and showed the sign of utter delight. Our bodies froze together for a brief second as we tried to capture that fleeting zenith of pleasure.
                  “My lord…”  
                  Such pleasures…
                  “Shizuka…”I muttered her name as it was sacred.  
                  Then something caught my eyes.  Her face had turned pale white!
                  I turned around towards the direction she was starring at.  There was a small spider crawling across the wet floor.  It was not of a poisonous type and I quickly smashed it with a pebble.  
                  “Shizuka, that was only a house spider.” I laughed.
                  But her body was shivering.
                  “I will get my lord some more sake.” She mumbled as she got out of the water and put the yagata round her naked shoulders; careful not to tread on the dead spider or the path which it had crawled along.
                  “Why so scarred?  It could not do much damage.” I teased.
                  She did not answer but bent down to take the tray with its sake bottle and cups.  Then, her fingers hit the bottle and the remaining portion of the cold sake spilled over the tray.
                  “Shizuka” I was puzzled.  How could she be so afraid of a single house-spider?
                  “Koman” she apologized and went inside without collecting the tray, obviously ashamed that she had behaved so strangely and committed such mistake.
                  I did not blame her and was about to get out of the water.
                  Then I noticed the water marks on the tray.  
                  It said:
                    BEWARE OF THE SPIDERS
                  A chill went down my spine.  What did she mean?
                  “Shizuka!” I called out.  But there was no answer.
                  I got out of water, put on my dress of the ronin which I was disguised in and grab the katana at the ready position.  I went into the compound.  Apart from some whispering and quiet moans from some of the rooms, it was so quiet.  
                  I decided it was not a good idea to stay any longer.  
                  I went outside the Kumar and whistled.  My bodyguards, all dressed as ronin, quickly appeared from dark corners and formed a protective ring around me.  I looked at the Kuma once more and then took the road that headed for the castle.
                  [ 这个贴子最后由小土豆在2006-12-3 3:04:24编辑过 ]
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                    Chapter 2   The Ambush

                    (Sanjo Ichiro)

                    The prey had fallen into my web.
                    I silently mused my delight as by the pale moonlight I saw Katsuo and his five bodyguards hurrying down the path that would take them through the marshy ground to the main road that would lead to the safety of the castle.  They would never make it there.
                    I had prepared the plan well and my informers had been precise in information.  The Kagemusha now lying in Katsuo’s chamber might look a lot like him but the use of such shadow-warrior would have little chance to fool me, Sanjo Tairo.  My hand itched towards the hilt of my tachi.  It was longer than the katana used by the hated samurai caste and had wider curvature.  They said this kind of sword was no longer in fashion.  I did not care.  Victory would always be in fashion.
                    The marsh would be their burial ground.  I had stationed my ninjas well, fifteen of them against their six.  It was a windy night and even if they could capture the attention of the castle, reinforcement would not arrive in time to save them.  They were doomed.
                    I had wished the Hojos would finish him off for me.  But Hojo Kenji was no fool.  He had sensed something was bigger and though he would not hesitate to put an end to Satomi rule in this area, he would not rush into battle without thorough calculation.
                    The situation at Takeyama was changing so rapidly.  To wait for the Hojo would involve unexpected risks.  I decided to act earlier and finish the business as soon as possible.
                    I could see Katsuo now, tall and strong in the midst.  His sword was fast.  Well, he would find that my sword could be even faster.  And I had the superiority of numbers and the element of surprise.  I looked behind me.  Tori, Kage, Eriko, Mayumi and Momo were ready to spring onwards at my command.  Even if Katsuo could withstand my onslaught, they could attack him from the flanks and finally brought him down. I smiled in satisfaction at the perfect calculation I made.  I knew I was a genius.
                    They were at the right spot now.  And I gave the signal to attack!
                    The bodyguard at the front of the column was taken entirely by surprise.  Even before he had chance to give any warning or draw his katana, he was made into a hedgehog with more than ten darts and other forms of missiles.  Good!  One down.
                    Katsuo was quick to response.  Instead of charging right into the ring, he led his men to charge up the slope and tried to secure a safe flank.  Six of my ninjas sprang from their hiding place and disrupted their attempt.  Katsuo cut all of them down but he also lost two of his men.  
                    I raised my fan and signaled for general assault.  All nine remaining ninjas rushed into melee.  The enemy formed a triangle, back to back and for a time held their position.  But the odds were totally against them.  Katsuo could not save his bodyguards.  All my ninjas were slain too.  But what did it matter.  They were expendable.
                    Now he was left alone and no one could save him.  
                    I slowly approached my five female ninjas at my back.  Katsuo eyed us intently.  He knew a master swordsman without having to find that out in battle.
                    “Who are you?” He demanded.
                    “Katsuo-sama, what good would it do for you to know?  A dead man needs no such information.” I showed my teeth in my smile.  The blackened teeth must have made him feel repulsive.
                    “So you think you can kill me?” He took up the stance of the “Green eye” by lifting his katana and pointed it at the center of my brow.  He was good.
                    “Ah…Katsuo-sama, that we shall see, we shall see…”I chuckled.
                    Slowly I drew my tachi.  At the same time, my girls began their maneuver to encircle the lonely prey.
                    Katsuo was wise not to spring into attack.  We could tighten the loose immediately and finish him.  
                    We eyed each other, waited for the other to make a mistake.  Neither of us did.  
                    I decided to take the initiative.  Bracing my tachi diagonally in front of me, I approached him slowly.  Katsuo took one step back, trying to disrupt my sense of distance.  I took another step.  He backed off once more.  A less experienced swordsman might think his opponent was scarred and would spring into attack.  I simply took another step.  Katsuo sensed that his feign had failed.  He knelt down slowly without changing his guard.  He was no longer looking at my eyes but at the ground.
                    I smiled and sprang into the attack.  He was quick as lightning!  Once I got into the striking distance his sword leapt out as if a serpent and went straight at my throat.  He had been watching my shadow as the moon was behind me and could judge the right timing without even looking at me.  I reeled and brought my sword into a cross cut.  The blades crashed three times and both of us backed away a few steps, unharmed.
                    “Kyo-ryu!” He exclaimed.
                    “Good observation, Katsuo-sama.” He was really good for being able to tell my school with just one clash.
                    “So, you must be Sanjo.”
                    I laughed like a hyena.  It was satisfying to know one’s name being famous, even from a prey that would be dead in no time.
                    “Die, Katsuo!”
                    I straightened my blade and made the move forward again.
                    Katsuo changed his guard from both hands on the hilt to single hand and slowly, he drew the short sword.  Now we would see how the school of Ten-ichi ryu would work.
                    I made a high pitch sound and at the same instant, Momo and Mayumi moved in without the slightest of sound.  The clash was swift and bloody.  Parrying Mayumi’s vertical cut with his katana, Katso made a horizontal slice and had the pretty Momo practically sliced into halves at her waist!  Mayumi did not have chance to recover from her surprise.  She saw Katsuo made a swift turn and the next moment, the cold blade sliced open the front of her blue female ninja dress, her breasts were revealed as her eyes froze in bewilderment.  She dropped onto her knees and witnessed the beheading of her comrade Momo just before her own head parted from her body!
                    “Nice work!” I complimented.
                    Katsuo did not answer.  He knew that I had sacrificed my two female ninjas just to find out his weak points.  I had.  And without hesitation, I led the remaining three girls into the final attack.
                    He was really good.  My first two attacks were parried and he found the gap in timing to run Tori through her heart.  But by doing that, I managed to pierce his defense and made a diagonal cut across his face.  He gave a wild yell and staggered back; the blood oozing out from his left eye covered his entire face.
                    I chuckled.  Now I could move at ease into the kill.  With one eye blinded and in pain, he would be easy prey.
                    “Die! Katsuo!” I hissed.
                    Just as I was to deliver the killing strike, Eriko gave out a scream.  An arrow had sunk deep in her breast and she was groping for its shaft.  The hooves of horses could be heard and soon I could make out the outline of horsemen riding in full speed at our direction.
                    “Retreat!” I said.
                    I was red with rage that my prey was snatched from me at this last moment but there was little I could do.  A good general must know when to retire to fight another day.
                    “But master, Eriko…” Kage was referring to her wounded comrade who was obvious not able to make it.
                    My tachi swept out like a whip and Eriko’s head flew like a shooting star.  I would not let myself be compromised by her capture.
                    Kage was stunned but recovered almost instantly.  This was the fate of female ninjas.  She took the smoke bomb from her vest and detonated it by throwing it down the road.  A purple smoke emerged and using that, we made our way back to the cover of the marsh.  Kage did not speak.  She sensed I was fuming of anger.
                    I knew why the reinforcement could come so quickly.  We were betrayed by that heartless Shizuka.  She must have used her pigeons to send warning signal to the castle.  
                    One day, that traitor would pay.  Yes, I would make sure of that.  She would pay.  
                    [ 这个贴子最后由小土豆在2006-12-3 23:10:19编辑过 ]
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                      • 职务总版主
                      • 财富7
                      • 积分689005
                      • 经验148181
                      • 文章9466
                      • 注册2005-07-12
                      Chapter 3       A match of wits

                      ( Hitomi)

                      I stayed at his side and used a wet towel to wipe off the sweat from his forehead.
                      It had been two days since the attack and Katsuo still had not wakened up from his high fever.  His left eye was permanently lost.  That we were certain.  The question now was whether he would survive his wound or just passed into eternal darkness.
                      He seemed so vulnerable now, a different person from the all powerful brother I used to know.  To let him breathe more easily, the doctor had opened up the front of his dress and now I could see the bare chest rising and falling with his uneven breathing.  I used the towel to wipe off the sweat there too and when the tip of my finger touched those strong muscles that gave me such peace of mind before, my hand trembled.
                      They tried to persuade me to get rest as I had not closed my eyes for the past two days now and had done more than enough for an affectionate sister.  I knew better.  It was not just sibling bond that brought me to his side.  
                      I was the first who arrived at the marsh and let go the arrow that stopped short of the female ninja attack.  Had we arrived just a little later, Katsuo would have ended up like those assailants lying around him, head severed from his strong torso.  
                       The warning was sent in by a message pigeon and by now, everyone knew who the sender was.  After the incident, Shizuka had vanished without a trace.  She must be in the most unenviable position now, wanted by one side for obtaining as much information as possible and the other for preventing just so.   And though I always resented Katsuo infatuation with her, I was grateful for her doing this to save my brother.  
                      New had been kept strictly confidential among the immediate family and some of the highly trusted commanders such as Jubei.   To avoid the shock of seeing one of Katsuo eyes missing when and if he recovered,  words were circulated that the lord of the castle had an accident while practicing iaijutsu, the art of sword drawing with one of his samurais and the blade of the samurai had hurt his eye by mistake.  Naturally, the samurai in question was sentenced to seppuku for hurting the lord and given a proper burial shortly after.  That Katsuo was ambushed after his amorous trip to the Kuma was bad publicity enough.  The fact that the assassins could have come from Takeyama would cause panic among the common soldiers and the town folks.  If we were to be attacked by two enemies, one from the north and one from our back, what chance could Sakurakijo have in surviving?
                      I heard some stirring sound behind me and turned to see the sliding door of the chamber being slowly pulled open.
                      It was Jubei and a few other commanders.  
                      "How is the lord?"Jubei asked without looking at me in the eyes.
                      "Much the same, But the doctor said he should be able to live.  He was young and strong." My voice was kept deliberately reserved.
                      Ever since that fateful day, we had met so many times in secrecy.  No, I did not love him.  He lusted for my body and I wanted to feel flesh and blood clinging onto my torso to drive out the trembling of knowing what I was destined to do.  
                      e is not your father.   He has put shame into our mother womb and both you and I are nothing but products of his lust!  The blood of the Hakatas is crying out for vengeance in our veins" The low but ominous voice of Jun-ichi rang in my head almost every night.  And I knew it was not his will that was demanding me to do what he told me to.  It was the unified scream of our mother clan; samurais and servants, old men, women, even children, those still submerged in the river of blood in Hell, a screaming that would never end until they were avenged.    
                      I shook my head to clear the disturbing thoughts.
                      josama, we must not let the Hojos learn of the Dono condition.”It was Sagen, the commander of the archers who spoke.
                      he Hojos are the least of our concern.”I replied.  hat I fear most is the stabbing blade from within.?/DIV>
                      They looked at each other, daring not say what was clearly in their minds.
                      "Ojosama, what you mean is?"/DIV>
                      "You know perfectly what I meant, Sagen.  And we must do everything in our power to buy time until Katsuo recover."/DIV>
                      "Hay, we understood." And we are at ojosama command.
                      "Very well,” I looked each in the eyes to detect traces of disloyalty.  I found none. Katsuo must be made seen by all tomorrow with his left eye covered.  That would stop any rumor for a while and buy us time."/DIV>
                      "But, ojosama"
                      f course he could not do it.  We have to use the Kagemusa."/DIV>
                      hat could not be kept a secret for long.  Though the Kagemusa looked a lot like the lord, an experienced eye would detect the difference after a few times."/DIV>
                       know that.  But there is no other way.  What we need is time and to do that, I am going to Takeyama myself."/DIV>
                      josama.  Let me go. You should be with the lord here to take care of him." Jubei volunteered.
                      hat is exactly why I have to go myself.  If my brother is really seriously wounded, I should not leave the castle.  The enemy will also think so.  The fact that I will depart for Takeyama will cast doubt over their minds, to make them hesitate before making the next move.  They should know that he was wounded but not how badly.  We must not let them guess his situation."/DIV>
                      Most of the commanders nodded their heads.  They knew I was right.
                      o, on what excuse does ojosama have to depart for the main castle??/DIV>
                      o dispel any rumor that my brother was seriously wounded and as I am to marry off to the land of the Uesugi, to spend a short stay of my last summer there with my father.?/DIV>
                      There were no more objections.  Jubei led them out to make the necessary preparation.  I would take my own female bodyguards with me and bring along presents for my father and Haru-no-ho.  The heavy baggage trains would make the going slower and buy us more time.
                      After they had gone, I returned to Katsuo side.  His breathing was more regular now and his pulse was a bit stronger.  May be he really would survive.  Making sure that really nobody was around, I bent down and kissed him on his lips.   A drop formed near his chin.  I was unable to tell if it was of his sweat or my tear.

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                        • 职务总版主
                        • 财富7
                        • 积分689005
                        • 经验148181
                        • 文章9466
                        • 注册2005-07-12
                        Chapter 4  Ikkenshi’s Ambition.


                        ”That fool Sanjo had failed!?”exploded.
                        Despite his boast of his fighting prowess, he had failed to finish off with Katsuo.   He wounded him; that I was sure.  "But how badly"  My spies had reported that he was seen inspecting his troops three days after the ambush, a  sword-guard acting as a cover for his lost eye but otherwise still fit and in command.  Of course that could have been a Kagemusa, trying to fool his own troops and me.  But Hitomi was coming over and would arrive today.  There could be no mistaking and if Katsuo was mortally wounded, she would never leave his side.  At this thought, my blood boiled with envy.  Though both Katsuo and I were half brothers to her, she had only shown her affection for that animal!
                        “Am  I any less lovable only because I hate the sword or the bow?  Does my admiration for the world of poetry and the civilized way of once glorious Kyoto really make me less of a man? “ I asked myself. "The reluctance to bear arms is not the same as to say I cannot be ruthless!”

                        She would know otherwise in time that was the stronger of the two.  Yes!  She was my half sister and I could not openly claim her mine.  But there would be many ways that I could enjoy her in the most intimate fashion while putting up a facade of brotherly love.  Time would announce me the victor.
                        The state of Katsuo wound was indeed a question of utmost importance.  If he was dead or at least close to being incapacitated to command, I could take up the excuse and led my troops to take over Sakurakijo on the pretext of ensuring its state of readiness for war.  And once in control, I could dispatch my rival with relative ease.  But if he had sufficiently recovered by now, my advance towards Sakurakijo would lose all excuse and indeed might be confronted.  Though he had a smaller force, I knew what my hated brother could do when he was on a saddle.  No.  I would not strike, unless I knew my striking would run home, without the smallest margin for a doubtful outcome.
                        So, let Hitomi come.  I would find out from the brain behind that pretty face of hers and bend it to my advantage.
                        She would have her surprise too.  The secret of my father illness had been kept secret.  His liver was damaged beyond repair, inevitable for his non-stop indulgence in sake and my mother carnal charm.
                        That was the reason why I agreed to that fool Sanjo planned attack.  If father really would leave this world before I could settle the issue of succession, it could mean unexpected turn in affairs.  Though I was named heir, Katsuo and his followers would not be meek as sheep to obey the late O-dono wishes and I knew many of the elders would prefer Katsuo to become head of clan instead of me.  Fools!  All of them fool!
                        I would get rid of them in due course.  But it was not yet the time and I must play my moves cleverly.
                        Ah, I heard the beat of drums from the city gate that announced the arrival of Hitomi.  I could not suppress the smile from my face.   Someday, that yamabuki of Satomi would be mine!
                        I arranged my attire and put on my mask of deception and proceeded to meet my lovely half-sister.
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                          • 职务总版主
                          • 财富7
                          • 积分689005
                          • 经验148181
                          • 文章9466
                          • 注册2005-07-12
                          Chapter 5      The Prophecy

                          I was led by the maids through the winding corridor to his resting chamber behind the lily pond.  Summer was in its full height now and the air above the pond seemed to shimmer in the intense heat.  I had changed my riding clothes to kimono with floral design and now it weighed heavy on my shoulders.  My undergarment cling to my skin as it was soaked in sweat.  It was a good move.  Being out of military attire reinforced the message that all was well and there was nothing I had to guard against.  I noticed the elders became more relaxed while the brows of Haru-no-ho and my brother drew tighter.
                          He looked so much older than the last time I saw him.  
                          "Chichi-ue."I bowed.
                          h.  Here comes my beloved daughter"Come over here.”He indicated the place next to where he sat.
                          I stood up and slowly approached the appointed spot and knelt down.
                          "Chichi-ue.”I looked into his eyes.  
                          "And what brings my Hitomi here?” A smile curved up on his tired face.
                          o pay my respect as a daughter and on behalf of Katsuo??/DIV>
                          His face darkened at the mention of Katsuo name.  He had never liked Katsuo since the birth of his second son.
                          "And what does he want?” His voice was spiteful.
                          "Chichi-ue, he was attacked and wounded.”I decided to go straight to the point.
                          "What?” His surprise was genuine.  At the same time, I noticed Haru-no-ko and Ikkenshi were listening intently.
                          "Yes, he was attacked by assassins.” I deliberately paused in the middle of the statement. ? But he had largely recovered and sent his regards."
                          Haru-no-ko and Ikkenshi could not hide the disappointment that surfaced on their faces.
                          s that so?  "Hum......It was most unfortunate then"
                          I was slightly taken back.  Had I heard wrongly?  Or was he referring to Katsuo being attacked and wounded when he said it was most unfortunate?  Or that he had recovered?  How could a father hate his own flesh and blood so much to wish for his death?
                          He must have sensed my doubt and forced a smile to appease.
                          ever mind that, Hitomi.  Let me look closer at you."/DIV>
                          He held out his hand and raised my chin.  A kind of strange fire lighted up in his eyes.  Somehow I knew what he was thinking.  They told me I looked exactly like my mother, the same face, and the same proud and clear eyes, the same body built.
                          "Chichi-ue" I was beginning to feel embarrassed.
                          He also realized that others were noticing his intense interest and choking a laugh, he withdrew his hand.
                          "Too bad that the Yamabuki of Satomi would be taken from us to the snow country of the Uesugi? He sighed.  
                          I fought down my anger.  To him, I was either a replica of his object of lust or merchandise that he could barter for his ambition.  Nothing more.  I began to feel the hate for this man.  
                          “He was not your father but a murderer of our mother’s clan” The words of Jun-ichi rang in my head.
                          "Dear Father. “You are looking pale."
                          "I am an old man, Hitomi.”He let out a sad laugh.
                          "That is not true, chichi-ue.”held out my hand and touched his wrist.  He was definitely pleased that I showed such care.  
                          "I wish so too, but your haha-ue may not agree.” He looked at Haru-no-ko at his left and I understood the under-meaning of his statement.
                          “I am sure mother wish you well, just as Katsuo and I wish you to live long and healthy..”
                          The mention of Katsuo’s name again made him quiet.  I had done that on purpose.  There must be something behind that hatred.  
                          ”Katsuo?   "He would only want me dead."
                          "How can that be? He is your son."
                          "Son!?”he snorted.  “Yes. A son that would bring calamity to the house."  Hitomi, long before you were born, the wizard of the court had predicted that one day, I would end my life through the hands of my son of Sakurakijo! "If it were not for these people" his eyes blazed up as he pointed his accusing fingers at the elders who had protected Katsuo all these years.
                          So, this was the reason of his hatred.  Katsuo, his son from Sakurakijo, was destined to kill him one day.  That was the real reason why he had named Ikkenshi as his successor.
                          But I knew he was wrong.  Katsuo was not the predicted one.  It would be Jun-ichi, his other son there whom he had ignored.
                          Just because he was born blind!
                          My body shivered at the discovery.  What should I do?  Should I correct my father’s misguided suspicion?  That might help Katsuo ’s recovery of his father favor.  But it would also mean the demise of Jun-ichi!  Without the support of the elders, Jun-ichi would not stand a single chance to escape his father’s determination to eradicate his personal threat.  And would that really help Katsuo?  I thought not.  Once he knew the other possibility, the head of the clan would simply add Jun-ichi to the list.  He would not take chance to be mistaken again.   If that was not enough, Haru-no-ko and Ikkenshi would not let reason enter his mind.  For so many years, they had fed him with such obsession, fuel it so that fear was always at the back of his mind.  They would not let me exorcise that curse from him.  And what had he done for the clan?  What had he done to the people under his rule?  He had expanded his domain through treachery and murder.  The only part of the domain that prospered was around Sakurakijo because it was not under his direct rule.  He had ruled with an iron hand around Takeyama, indulged in his lust with Haru-no-ho and now he was hoping or even plotting for the death of his own son!
                          No.  The tint of hatred that arose in me just a while ago began to grow.  No!  He had to die!  If that was foretold long time ago, it could not be avoided.  Jun-ichi was born blind.  Thus, he evaded the suspicious eye of his father.  But it would not be possible for him to commit the predicted act with his own hands.  So, I, Hitomi, would be his hands.  Without me, his crave for revenge would go unfilled.  Without him, the fire of vengeance in me would not be ignited.  Through me, the inevitable fate would be accomplished.  The blood feud of my mother clan would be avenged.
                           The clarity of the divine plan exploded in my head.  I fought down my tears as now I realized the reason for my existence and the kind of fate that was awaiting me.  So be it!
                          I also discovered today how I could bring this about.
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