
Man, man, man!  What a wonderful and classy evening you had!  I have to say you make me jealous like hell!   Music has always been a very important part of my life, thru all those marvelous masterpieces; I see that “…Which for memorial still with thee shall stay./When thou reviewest this,/ thou dost review./The very part was consecrate to thee: /The earth can have but earth,/which is his due;/ His (My) spirit is thine,/ the better part of him (me)/……Too base of thee to be remembered./ And that is this,/ and this with thee remains.”  I guess that is also the eternal life of music.

When I am listening to the music, I found “there is still fire burning from the ash: I strove with none, for none was worth my strife. Nature I love and next to Nature Art. I warm my both hand before the fire of life. It sinks, and I am ready to depart.”  My sole is ready to depart with the music, and with music the candle of my soul will keep burning ever forever!

People say: Time is too slow for those who wait,/ too swift for those who fear,/ too long for those who grieve,/ too short for those who rejoice,/ but for those who love,/ time is eternity."  I find peace in music for it is perpetual and everlasting; within music time does not exist.  

So long my dear friend, I am looking forward to read your next review!

Man, man, man!  What a wonderful and classy evening you had!  I have to say you make me jealous like...[/QUOTE]

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