













  辩护律师邓洪在法庭外透露,当天上午波莫纳高等法院开庭前,检辩双方讨论了突发案外案。检方表示,一名被告人的父亲因涉嫌贿赂证人被抓,让整个案件节外生枝。 (宗和)

然則, 老蕭是認為小土豆故事宣傳暴力?



Betrayal means death.

That is our No.1 golden rule.

Both Sanae and I knew this.  But despite that, we could not help ourselves.
The attraction was mutual and instantaneous.


I remembered it was a hot summer day and the fleet of our Harleys was racing with the wind on Shonan expressway. I was riding at the back of Roberta, our queen, my arms tightly wounding round her slim waist.  I remembered it was the hottest day of the year and my sailor-fuku was drenched by my sweat.  Roberta always drove at a neck-breaking speed and I had to cling tight with my breasts pressed against her back.  I knew she had taken off her brassiere once she left the campus. This knowledge accentuated my feeling of intimacy and I could feel the nipples under my brassier getting hard.  Roberta slept with me the night before.  Or rather, she made me sleep with her.  That was her prerogative as our queen.  I did not feel abused as Roberta was stunningly beautiful with long dark hair but hazel-blue eyes which she inherited from her Italian father’s genes. I offered myself to her in the small room in a run-down ryokan.  Before I entered her room, I had followed her instruction to take off my sailor-fuku and changed into the one piece black leather outfit she provided. The air-conditioner of the ryokan had broken down and my skin was covered with sweat even when I pulled open the sliding door. Roberta was sitting in the center, dressed only in a white summer kimono, the yukata. Even at a distance, I could see she was not wearing any underwear.
“Come here, Keiko.” She pointed at a spot near her on the tatami.  I obeyed and knelt no further than half a meter from her.  I could feel her hot breath upon my skin, which made me a bit uneasy.  Before I could voice out anything, she pulled me to her and using her teeth, pulled down the zipper in front of my leather outfit. I arched back my neck, close my eyes and moaned. I could feel her hands exploring my cleft and my pert breasts, followed by her eager tongue.
“Never betray me, Keiko.” She whispered into my ear as she eased the leather from my shoulders.  I was soon lying naked before her.  She took her time to lick away the sweat on my body, then parted my legs and mounted me.
“Cup my breasts, feel them.” She told me.
I held up my hands with my eyes still closed groping for her tits.  Finally, I found them.  They were so full and round.  I could feel the nipples, like small grapes in my palms and immediately withdrew my hands as if afraid any further fondling might cause damage.
Roberta laughed.  
“Do you like them?”
I nodded, without opening my eyes.
“Good.  Suck them.”
I felt her pressing her breasts, one by one, to my lips.  I used my tongue to play with them one by one timidly and sucked at one of them only after a while.
“You are a good girl, Keiko. I like you.  From now, you are mine.”
I felt unease at her words.  I liked Roberta.  She was beautiful, clever and had great charisma.  But I knew that the fact that I was aroused by her did not mean I loved her, not in the way that I wanted her to be my only and eventual lover.
“Let me deflower you, Keiko.”
“No!” I open my eyes.
“Why? Do you want to leave that to a man? Your future husband?” I saw anger in her eyes that was not there before.
“No, I do not want any man.  I have always love women.” I denied.
“Good. Then, let us get this over with.”
I wished to protest more but she had already begun to make love to me.  Her yukata was stripped and she revealed the glory of her body to me.  My mouth half-opened in amazement.  She had a perfect figure.  And my animal side took over as I cast my rational thinking to the winds.  She mounted me, further spread my legs and shoveled her fingers in.
“Arg…”I could feel the blood seeping out, staining the tatami.  My thoughts were how the inn-keeper would feel when she discovered this.  Would she shout? Complain? Or make us pay?  Then I knew I was just being silly: this room had probably witnessed countless virgins being deflowered and the inn-keeper would not care for shit. I could feel Roberta’s body pressed upon mine; our tits rubbed against each other as she French-kissed me.  I felt as if my whole body was on fire, every cell had suddenly come alive.
“Tell me you love me,” she ordered.
“I love you, Roberta.” I responded almost by reflex.
May be I really thought I loved her and that I had found the one true love of my life.
I now knew how wrong I had been.


She was riding alone, on a silver-red Indian.  She wore a black helmet, with her long black hair flying like a mane underneath it.  I could see the fabric of the black bra-top shivering in the wind, and looked as if it could be blown away any moment. Below her waist, she wore cut-short denim jeans, exposing her long, tapered legs and very nice knee-caps.  Her motorbike was cruising parallel to ours and I did not see her face at first. It was Roberta who first threw her a challenge and at that moment, she turned her head and I saw her face.  My jaw dropped.  It was the face of an angel, purity written all over it.  And those eyes, limpid like autumn lakes, were gazing at me.  I felt heat rising up my face and even more, there was heat between my legs. Why? Why did she have to make her entrance that late?  If we had met earlier in life, I would have followed her no matter where she led. I would not mind if she was a les like me.  I would just follow her and be content to be near her presence.  

Roberta must have sensed what I was feeling.  I could feel a rage rising in her and she converted it into speed.  Stepping on her accelerator, she put the Harley into a murderous roar and catapulted us forward.  I felt so lonely now that I had lost the rider on the silver-red Indian forever.  But I was wrong.  I heard the sound of motor behind me and then the next moment, we were parallel again.  My heart was beating so fast.  She was coming after us.  No! She was coming up FOR me.

The unannounced war erupted between the two.  Roberta drove the Harley into frenzy.  It had a very powerful engine but somehow, she could never shake off the silver-red Indian.  Round murderous bends the two motorbikes screeched their tires.  All the rest of our gang members were lagging behind out of sight now and there was only the two of us engaged in a crazy duel of death along the Sagami Bay.
“Roberta, please stop this.  You will kill us both!” I shouted at the top of my voice.
Roberta was not even listening.  To her, winning this race was more important than life and death.

We came upon a stretch of narrow bends.  I knew what it meant.  Sooner or later we might run into a situation in which a vehicle from the opposite direction would force us make way, or crash.  The situation came even quicker than I thought.  A huge truck, one of those long-haul trucks that carried supplies from Tokyo to other cities in the west appeared directly in front of us, honking like mad. There was no space on our right to maneuver any more.  Either Roberta or the rider on the Indian gave way or Roberta and I would end up crushed under the 20 ton truck.

Roberta refused to give way.  The other rider did.  Roberta gave a shout of triumph as she banked the Harley to the right and raced down the highway. I did not share her ecstasy of triumph.  To Roberta, winning was more important than getting killed.  Getting both she and ME killed.  The other rider gave way when her safety was not in jeopardy.  I knew she did not want me hurt.

That night, Roberta made love to me again, brutally, like a conqueror enjoying her spoils of war.  I sneaked out after she was fast asleep.  Outside the inn, a silver-red Indian was waiting.


Her name was Sanae.  She was 20, one year older than I was.  And she was a lesbian.
We made love in a secluded spot in a near-by park.  I could tell the difference immediately.  Sanae made love with me; Roberta was just making love to me.
I told her that Roberta would go after us as I knew she was a vengeful bitch.  I heard from the other members that she had caused the deaths of two girls who had betrayed her before, making it as if accidents.  Their bodies and the wreck of their Harley were discovered on a rocky beach below a sheer drop cliff of 80 meters.
Sanae just shook her head and smiled.  She was not afraid and she would never give me up.  
“We can run away to Hokkaido,” she said.
 “I can take up odd jobs, delivering pizza perhaps.  And I still have a little money.”
I did not tell Sanae that money was never the problem.  I was rich. The inheritance and insurance indemnity from my parents, who were killed in a plane crash a few years ago, could ensure me a comfortable living without having to do any work. I did not want my money to get into the equation of our relationship and I was willing to work alongside her, delivering pizza or serving in road-side cafes.
“We will be happy. Trust me.”
I nodded and the next morning, we headed north.


We lived happily together for the next three summers.  The longer I spent my life with Sanae, the more I knew she was the one destined for my life.  We earned just enough money to rent a small apartment and buy us food and other necessities.  I never took any money from my bank account.  Happiness did not rely on a lot of money.  And we were happy.
Sanae told me about her life: how she lost both her parents when she was no more than eleven.  She worked part-time to earn a living once she attained the legally permitting age.  She told me there were three things in life she treasured most: her motorbike, freedom and me.
We made love almost every other day, and we never grew tired of each other. When both she and I did not have to work, we went fishing.  I did not fish as I thought it cruel to the fishes but I loved to see her fish.  And sometimes, we went to pubs to have a drink or went dancing in a local disco.
Life was like heaven.  Until Roberta found us.


I knew we were cornered even before Roberta came out behind the tree.  She had brought five girls of her gang with her.  And they were armed: baseball bats, bike-chains, even a katana, the type the yakuza used.

Sanae had gone to a convenience shop to buy me something to drink and I was all alone.
My heart was beating so fast.  I was afraid, not for my own safety but Sanae’s.
“So, our two love-birds have been hiding here all these years,” Roberta said with a cruel smile on her face.  I once had thought she was stunningly beautiful.  Now I realized I was wrong.  It was not a face, but only a mask.  The face beneath that skin was despicable.
“What are you going to do to us?” The story about the two girls lying on a rocky beach rushed through my mind.
“We will see, when your girl-friend comes back.”
And Sanae was coming back, holding the drinks she bought me and not realizing what was happening.
“Run! Sanae! Run!” I shouted at the top of my voice.
Sanae looked up and for a moment, she was stunned.
“Run!” I shouted and the next moment, Roberta’s penknife was on my face.
“One more shout and your pretty face will get a scar that will stay the rest of your miserable life.” She hissed.
“Run! Sanae! Run!” I shouted and then I felt the cold metal eating into my flesh.
I felt blood and tears streaming down, not because of the scar but that I saw Sanae was running, towards us.
“Let her go!” Sanae shouted.
She carried no weapon but the bottle of beer was handy and she broke it against a lamppost and held the sharpened glass towards Roberta.
“Get her!” Roberta ordered.
One of the girls with a base-ball bat pounced.  Sanae side-stepped her and brought the remained of the smashed bottle on her leg.  The girl gave a scream and went down.  Two other girls joined the fray.  One was holding a katana and the other a meter bike-chain. Sanae was being sandwiched between two deadly adversaries now.  And my heart was beating so fast.  The girl with the katana gave a shout and made a vertical cut. Sanae stepped back just in time but she forgot the other one with the bike-chain.  With a cry of agony, Sanae took a lash at her back which sent her body down.  The girl with the katana rushed in thinking it was good chance to make a kill.  But Sanae was faster and making a rolling move on the ground, sank the bloodied half-bottle into the lower leg of her assailant.  The girl screamed and dropped her katana.  Sanae was about to pick up the weapon when she felt a second blow of the bike-chain on her left arm.  She stumbled forward in pain.  A third girl punched her with the end of her base-ball bat.
“No! Stop! Make them stop!” I pleaded.
They did not stop. Before long, Sanae was reduced to a wreck with blood all over.
She was now crawling towards me, her hand outstretched in my direction. The girl with a base-ball bat smashed Sanae’s hand.  I heard the bones cracked.  She would not be able to ride her silver-red Indian again.
My heart broke.
“I hate you!” I spat at Roberta.
“What does it matter? You are no longer the little pretty thing I used to love. And besides, both of you will not live to see the sunrise.”
I froze at the words.  Then, strangely I felt peace.  The idea of dying with Sanae gave me calmness that I never knew possible.
“Yes, kill us both now!” I said.
Roberta stared at me with her hard cold eyes.
Then, a cruel smile appeared.
“Kill that bitch!” She said.
I bit my lower lip to suppress my cry of anguish as they cut my Sanae’s throat.  She was still looking at me when she died.
“Now, kill me too.” I said coldly.
“No. I am not going to give you that satisfaction.  You are going to live your life in torment and a messed-up face.  That is the price you are going to pay for your betrayal.”
So saying, she made another cut on my face to leave an “X” on it.
“I will make revenge!” I swore.
She laughed and then motioned one of her girls over.
The next moment, something hard hit the back of my head and there was darkness.


Roberta should have killed me.
She forgot two things: a woman who had nothing to lose anyone could go to extremes to have her revenge.  She had killed my love and she was not going to get away with it.  Secondly, she forgot that I was rich, very rich.
Richness could not buy me happiness.  It could not give Sanae back to me.
But riches could buy power and guns.
It took me two years to locate Roberta and her gang.
I went to find her. Or, I should say, we went to find her.
Six men from the Yamaguchi Gumi went with me.  I had paid an enormous sum for their service and for the Japanese yakuza, a deal was a deal.
Her girls did not even know what hit them.  They were shot down in the room of the ryokan with pistols fitted with silencers.  They probably had an orgy the night before as they were sleeping in one room, all of them naked.  Their young bodies piled on each other in death.
Roberta was saved for the last. I had made the condition that she must not be harmed as I reserved the right to avenge the death of Sanae.
She was shivering when brought to me.  I had planned to gorge out her eyes, cut off her tongue, pulled out every single strand of her hair before I cut her throat.
Somehow, I changed my mind at the last moment.  Cruelty could not be used to avenge another act of cruelty.  I shot her, trice: through her two breasts and then in the middle of her forehead.  She slid down against the partition of the room, brought it down by her weight and lay spread-eagled on the tatami, naked.

I had the terrified owner of the inn adequately compensated.  The old woman could live out the rest of her life without having to engage in any business activity again, or work.  The men of the Yamaguichi Gumi sent me back to Tokyo in their long black limousine.  They would take care of everything, which meant nothing would be happen, somehow.  I did not know how they did it, nor did I care.

I went back to Hokkaido and bought the apartment in which Sanae and I had spent our happy times together.  I had also brought the pistol I shot Roberta with, along with a fresh magazine of lead.  Originally, I intended to shoot myself in the temple in front of her photo.  But something in her smile in that photo made her change my mind.  Perhaps, I could live with the pain, if I could be allowed to live with her memory.  If it was really too difficult, I could pull out the drawer and lay my finger on the trigger any time.
I needed not to work.  The money in the bank was enough to last a life-time.  I lived simply and after a year I started to write books.  They sold astonishingly well, not that I cared for the royalty though.  I had all of them donated to charity.

I have been writing for three hours this morning and feeling tired, I eased my fingers which have been typing away on the keyboard.  I looked out of the window and saw Sanae’s silver-red Indian parked outside.  I had made sure it regularly dusted and oiled though no one ever rode on it again.  The morning was warm and I could see a robin cocking its head and staring at me from the window sill. Somehow, it reminded me of Sanae and a tear ran down my face.
“Why are you crying?” The little robin seemed to be asking.
I chocked back the sob and replied, “I am thinking of you, my beloved.”


Postscript: Yuri (百合), also known by the wasei-eigo construction Girls' Love (ガールズラブ gāruzu rabu?),is a Japanese jargon term for content and a genre involving love between women in manga, anime, and related Japanese media. It focuses on the sexual or the emotional aspects of the relationship, or both.
小土豆愚見: 單依靠暴力不能解決問題, 可是單依靠非暴力亦不能解決問題.

年輕人(不是指兒童)健康的成長, 有賴對社會問題的全面接觸與認知: 世界上有好, 有壞, 有些在好壞之間, 能多看 多讀, 多了解, 才不會偏執.

淳淳善誘是好, 但中國二千年來, 哪一代不是書讀孔孟, 表揚忠君孝悌的? 結果怎樣? 大多數是二千年任主人屠宰的羊. 反觀外國兒童除了理性教育外, 也充份培養了戰鬥精神, 敢為自己的信念挺身而出, 雖有時不免偏差, 但總體來說, 不見得就是無法無天的世界. (外國基本教育中就包括了Sparta 和 Spartacus 的故事, 荷馬的Iliad, 莎翁的名劇也何嘗不是血影刀光,屍骸遍野?)

不久之前, 中國出了"狼圖騰"這一本書(後來拍成電影), 其中一主旨就是中國人太信奉"龍"文化, 龍是獨一的. 它在, 其他人就只有服從和祟拜. 也就是說, 其他人都成了"龍的奴隸而不自知. 我們也許真的缺乏一些"狼"性. (太馴從, 其實是助長了另一種隱性暴力)

文學上沒有"好"與"壞"的題目 (那些刻意渲染色情和暴力的也許除外), 只有寫得"好"和寫得"不好"的. 我也相信絕大部份的讀者(十八歲以上)能作出明智的選擇和判斷. 至於那些本身就迷信暴力的, 你就算一天到晚"之乎者也", 他也不會受到同化.

重要的是讓他多方接觸, 盡量不預設樊籬, 以諱至他明事理而勇於表達, 不作狼, 而不會成為任人屠宰的羊.


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