An Apple (A Poem by Baolin CHENG)

An Apple (A Poem by Baolin CHENG)
An Apple

Baolin Cheng

She puts an apple
On the end of her thighs

A green light

Allows my eyes
To stay there longer decently
I’m looking at a part in her body
Where I should have avoided

A few minutes later
She puts the apple
Back on the desk
Nothing has changed
Except its color

Following the red apple
Now I remove my eyes
From that part of her body

Only the fragrance of fruit
Remains on the end of her thighs
Its sweetness permeates
The soft fabric there

Baolin, a very sensual and tasteful poem. Two minor points:
1. The reference to the "Grenn Light" led me to fathom you and she were in the same car, with one driving (probably you) and the other, being a passenger.  But then your reference to a "desk" seems to repudiate that guess.  A bit confusing there.  You may want to clear it up.

2."Allows my eyes
To stay there longer decently"
Wouldn't "steadily" be better than "longer decently"?
The situation presents itself to you.  You just happened to be at the "wrong" place at the "wrong" time.  In my view, there's nothing indecent about it.   :-D

It is a nice poem. It reminds me of Pablo Neruda.
Both offered good comments. Thank you. For Aihua: 1, "the green light 'used in a single line to hint  that the green apple functions as a green light ( pay
attention to the last line in the fourth stanza.) If she were driving, she
couldn't play the apple; if the narrator were driving, he couldn't steadily
look at her body, so obviously it happens in a room. 2. " steadily" is better,
as it saves a word to make this line shorter. I may adopt your suggestion. You
are great!Thank you.  
Baolin, thank you for enlightening us! Please keep sending your great work this way, wouldn't y'a?
I'm not an expert in  poems, but again I'm hardly an expert in anything. Baolin's poem has
raised my eyebrows.A lot of eyebrows. Good taste, good imagination and good linguistic
skills. That's the made of a good peot. The way to go. Baolin.

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