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  • 级别
    • 职务总版主
    • 财富3
    • 积分317381
    • 经验30899
    • 文章5769
    • 注册2009-02-11
     I immigrated to the United States in 1983 and contacted them soon. Our friends who have gone through difficult times are like dreams. Money lives in Canada and communicates with me. The adons are in San Francisco. I visited them every time I went to San Francisco. Min, Chun Xian's son, was one of the students in the medical school when I was in Vietnam. The day after I arrived in Los Angeles, he came to see me. He brought with him the test preparation manual of the DMV and suggested that I take the driving test as soon as possible. After I passed the written test, he taught me to drive his new car, so I got my license for less than 30 days. Thimphen is one of my best friends in Vietnam. After returning to China, he settled in a farm in Hainan. In 2005, I went to Hainan to see tingwen and nine Vietnamese friends nearby. When we met, we were overjoyed. I made every effort to find some Vietnamese friends who stayed in China and sent some money to thank them for their protection and care over the years. In the first few years of traveling in the United States and China, we were always very busy. Five years later, on the long weekend of Thanksgiving, we had our first pleasant trip. We drove to Yosemite National Park in Northern California and San Francisco. Along the way, we saw large farms, which were all mechanized, and almost no workers. We admire the advanced agriculture and animal husbandry in the United States. Thinking about Chinese traditional manual agriculture, we sigh that it will take a long time to catch up. After that, we enjoyed our annual trip to Virginia.
    [ 这个贴子最后由冰云在2020-4-19 20:46:00编辑过 ]
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