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    • 职务总版主
    • 财富3
    • 积分317381
    • 经验30899
    • 文章5769
    • 注册2009-02-11
    Hiding in a half shed to avoid "catching the Chinese"

    My wandering life has lasted for four years. I eat here and spend the night there, always afraid. There are rumors that Hanoi has ordered the arrest of all Chinese who illegally cross the border. Donghua is famous for its many cross-border Chinese. Two Deng and others moved to other places temporarily. I also want to find a better place to hide. But can I go before? Even in remote mountainous areas, police can easily track or even focus their attention on search. I was in a dilemma. I found uncle Qing, a town resident with an evacuation cabin on the hill, who lived in the land on the west side of the road, with only three families.  Uncle Qing advised: "is there a safe place. I recently noticed a dry ditch not far from here. If you don't want to go anywhere else, it's best to hide there for a while. I'll pay more attention to the town, and if there's any sign, I'll let you know if you're in trouble. "  Thanks for uncle Qing's advice. I followed him to the ditch. He helped me clean and find a place to hide. It was getting dark. Uncle Qing brought me food and water. There was an old man who built a small shed with thatch. The thatch was supported on one end by two sticks and the other against the ground. Then put a bamboo mat on the floor. Only one person can sit or lie there. If it's not too close, it's not easy to find it. Uncle Qing or his son bring me food and water twice a day. I spent two days in a state of unease. The third day is rainy. It didn't rain much, but it lasted five or six hours. Almost all the ditches are wet, bamboo

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