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     (The Last Night of Clytemnestra)

    冷汗把我每一吋肌膚都濕透了; 那冷透進了皮下直入骨髓.
    「仟麼事啊? 你又做噩夢了?」
    「對, 很可怕的夢, 」 我回答說, 我的眼仍直望著我們躺著的巨床外的虛空; 我們一起睡在這床上已十七年.
    「我的皇后, 你夢見了什麼?」 埃癸斯托斯已坐了起來把手繞著我裸肩; 那是因為我在驚醒時把內衣都滑下而令一只乳房暴露了出來. 他的手很溫柔, 不像從前的那個人, 太溫柔了.
    這是屬於情人的手, 而不是屬於一個戰士的, 又或是殺人犯的.
    「我看見他, 渾身鮮血.」
    「但他已死了啊. 他已死了七年, 我親愛的. 如果他的鬼魂要回來報仇, 他一早就回來了. 不要杞人憂天, 睡吧.」
    我讓他把我拉回到枕上. 為了消除我的不安, 他開始撫慰我曾哺育多名子女的乳房. 在某種意義下, 我是得天獨厚的女人. 即使我已不太年輕而已生育多次, 我的身段仍保持得極好. 埃癸斯托斯用他的手指圍繞我的乳蒂打圈. 在別的晚上, 他可能持續的和我做愛直至我向他求饒. 可是今天晚上他已是筋疲力倦了. 不多久, 我已聽到他輕輕的打軒聲, 即使他的手仍盈握著我的奶子.
    我把他的臂掀起再放到他身畔, 減輕了我仍抖顫的心所受的壓力.
    我站了起來, 把內衣整理好, 再把一襲長袍披在肩上, 然後輕步的走出了寢室. 偌大青銅門外的警衛馬上立正敬禮, 原本交叉的長矛分開了讓他們的王后通過. 我瞥了他們一眼: 年輕強壯的小伙子, 臂力足以徒手搏獅. 有這樣的精兵拱衛應是萬無一失吧. 可是我一點也不覺得踏實. 不知是否我多疑, 我嗅到空氣中有背叛的氣味. 我力保我處變不驚的外表, 把下顎向上翹起步過大理石的地階走向長廊. 甫一轉過角落, 我就停下來深吸吸試圖定下慌亂心神來
    我是誰? 他們的王后? 抑是通姦者, 竊位者? 在先王的宮殿中把他刺殺的然後牝雞司晨像男人一樣發施號令? 我知道任何一條罪都足以判我死無葬身之地. 他們是心知肚明, 沒有下手是因為以下犯上弒后是天神所不容, 即使這王后本身已犯下彌天大罪!
    他們在等待那個有權替天行道的人出現: 以血還血!
    「你應當時就殺了他!」 埃癸斯托斯挽怨道.
    「可能吧. 但我不能容忍我自己的兒子的血染紅我的雙手. 虎不噬子.」
    但我當然知道這非事實: 父慈子孝不是鐵打不二的事.
    我仍記得她那像仙女的臉: 美麗, 快樂, 一個心滿意足的新娘被她自己的父親騙向祭壇用刀割喉而死.
    「母親! 母親!」 我聽到她最後的求援呼號. 而我有心無力, 就眼巴巴看著她為了父親要完成建功立業的心 願而像一頭家禽般被宰殺!
    為什麼是我的女兒? 不是墨涅拉俄斯的妻子被人家誘拐了嗎? 為什麼要用我的女兒性命來取悅女神換取把艦隊送往特洛伊的長風? 為什麼偏偏是我?
    從陌生者的舌頭, 我得悉她身上的嫁衣被剝下, 她那處女聖潔的胴體暴露在所有人眼底.  我可以想像到她在仰天受戮一刻那絕望的眼神, 她擁有金髮的頭和身體形成了像狩獵女神的獵弓一樣的弧度.
    當他, 阿格門農, 邁鍚尼的王, 希臘眾邦的共主, 我的丈夫, 她的父 親以手執刀, 冰心冷血地把利刃架在親生女兒的頸上!
    我可以想像血如何湧出; 我可以嗅到那帶海水腥味的血; 我可以感受她的痛, 她對我無力救她的失望, 以及要放棄她年輕生命去成全千船並舉, 十年征戰而能回故里者十中無一而作出的犧牲.
    「為我復仇!」 我在寂靜中聽到那唯是我才能聽到的慘叫,
    為了報復, 我讓埃癸斯托斯在阿格門農出征的十年中成了我的情夫; 他是阿格門農的表弟..
    我詛咒丈夫戰死異鄉, 詛咒他的屍體被特洛伊的戰車碾成肉醬, 他赤裸屍體上的肉被飛鳥吃盡.
    他還竟敢帶一個女人回來: 卡珊德拉, 一個特洛伊的公主, 作為他的妾侍!
    埃癸斯托斯害怕起來了, 慫恿我和他一起逃亡.
    一條洛巾, 一柄利斧!
    那特洛伊女人走了進來, 看到已被殺的國王. 她沒有尖叫, 也沒試圖逃跑. 她跪了下去, 把雙臂張開, 垂下了頸.

    我沿著圍繞邁鍚尼城牆的長廊步行. 從這裡, 即使是在晚上, 我仍可以靠月色看到城外群山. 這是一個多美的國度! 而竟由一個女人管治了十七年: 十年代夫行使王權, 七年以情人的名義君臨臣民. 埃癸斯托斯卻非治國之材. 也許這更好.
    可能我真的應殺了兒子俄瑞斯忒斯的! 甚至連他的妹妹伊麗賽克也應斬草除根. 我知道這女兒恨我入骨, 即使我是她生母. 但我能狠下心嗎?  不! 我拒絕成為又一個滅絕人性, 連自己孩子也不放過的野獸. 在我們當中, 有一頭這樣的畜牲已經太多了.
    我轉身望向東方. 在那兒轉角出了雙獅門就是他的墓: 遠征軍主帥阿格門農和他的戰利品, 卡珊德拉的墓.

    他們在那裡已長眠了七年. 他們正等待有人來為他們伸張正義吧: 是從他們觀點的正義.
    這次, 我沒有尖叫了, 甚至不再驚恐.
    他長得像他父親極了: 高大, 英俊, 冷酷, 眼中沒有半點慈悲.
    「啊, 俄瑞斯忒斯, 你終於來找我了.」 我說.
    「不, 母親, 不單為你而來, 也為了他.」 他說完就舉起左手. 埃癸斯托斯的首級仍淌著血. 他的眼張得大大的, 是如此震驚和不願相信這是真的, 那在多個晚上吻吮我乳房的舌頭突了出來, 好像他仍在求饒一樣.. 這一切是如此滑稽, 我無法不笑出來.
    「我會把你殺掉, 母親.」
    我點點頭, 讓我的長袍滑到地上, 然後我慢慢地把我的長內衣拉下露出了一邊的乳.
    「你真的要把劍刺入曾哺育你的乳房嗎? 一只曾庇護你, 給你溫暖的乳房?」
    「我是他的兒子. 我別無選擇.」
    我再點頭. 「對, 有仇不報枉為人子. 我只是可憐你. 你殺了母親, 就會淪落成下一輪報復的目標. 你知道這意味什麼嗎?」
    他呼呼急起來, 握著染了血的劍之手收緊了
    「好吧! 來, 給我一個痛快.」
    我的袍早在地上, 我把雙臂張開像要把他擁抱入內. 他起先是退縮了, 但我不給他失去勇氣的機會. 眾神已決定了的事, 就讓它發生吧. 我們都不過是祂們的玩物, 對不? 只是祂們以正義之名玩的遊戲的馬前卒而已.
    我再向前邁進一步. 這次他沒有退後了. 他衝向我時發出的嚷叫聲撕破了黑夜的死寂. 我看到他一步一步迫近: 雙眼通紅, 一片無奈…
    「啊…」 劍刃穿過我裸出的乳房刺穿了我的身體再從背部突出.
    我倒入兒子的臂中, 我的唇觸及了那強壯的胸板, 就有如我曾一度吻他父親的胸板一樣…
    我可以聽到我的兒子埃癸斯托斯, 我一生中的最愛, 在哭泣.
    我雙膝跪地, 身體向後傾去脫離了刀刃.
    夜, 是如此的溫柔…


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      The Four Princess (of the Trojan War)特洛伊戰爭(木馬屠城記)四公主終於全部完成了)



      邁錫尼之后 (前斯巴達公主)---被殺了.

      由邁錫尼始, 亦在邁錫尼終.

      其實, 這四則也是有關故事"背叛與出賣"的故事:

      Iphigenia 給她父親出賣了 (為了他自己的虛榮要名留青史)

      Polyxena 給 愛情出賣了 (本來她是想以生命守護她愛的人Achilles, 卻不料因此而令他喪命)

      Cassandra 給太陽神Apollo出賣了 (他的詛咒令她被所有人都忽視, 結果國破家亡而在異地被殺)

      Clytemnestra 給 她的復仇心和肉慾出賣了, 還有是她的女兒(Electra), (是她引領Orestes 混入守衛森嚴的宮禁去殺母親的)

      而所有人都是被"命運"出賣了 (包括奧林匹克山上的眾神, 他們後來神權終結, 被逐出聖山); 命運把受寵愛的女兒成了祭品, 深愛戀人的公主成了殺死刀槍不入的英雄的武器, 能預知未來的女祭師成了自己國家及家人惡運的預言者, 最後是預言了她本身的死亡, 而一個疼愛自己兒女的母親最後死在自己兒子的劍下...)


      無論出身如何, 美得怎樣令人心醉, 有什麼過人的天賦, 愛得如何深, (甚至神力如何廣大), 最後笑的都只是"命運"...
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        在诗词里长醉 在生活里长醒
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            小土豆的中英文小说很有特色,在论坛独树一帜,好文章还要再读。大理石是如此的冷. 夜, 是如此的溫柔…
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              謝謝楊超先生, 冰云姐姐, 文東賞讀
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                The Last Night of Clytemnestra

                I woke with a scream.
                Cold sweat drenched every single part of my body; the cold seeped back under the skin, into the very marrow of my bones.
                Aegisthus stirred beside me.
                “What is the matter? Have you suffered from another bad dream again?”
                “Yes, a horrible one.” I replied, my eyes still staring at the empty space beyond the end of our gigantic bed: a bed we had shared for the last seventeen years.
                And before that…  I shuddered.
                “What did you dream, my Queen?” Aegisthus had sat up in bed now and put an arm around my bared shoulder, for my chiton had slipped from it during my fright, exposing one of my breasts.  His hands were gentle, unlike the one before him, much too gentle. They were hands of a lover, not a warrior, or murderer.
                “I saw him, in blood.”
                I heard my lover made a hard swallow.
                “But he is dead.  He has been dead for seven years, my love. If he is to return and avenge as a ghost, he would have done that long time ago.  Ease your mind and sleep.”
                I let him pulled me back upon the pillow which nested my head.  To soothe me of my terror, he began to caress me over the breasts which had milked for so many suckling mouths. In a way, I was blessed, that despite my age and frequent motherhood, I was able to retain a body form many years my junior.  Aegisthus circled his fingers around the aurora and on other nights, he would carry on his love making till I begged for mercy.  But he was spent tonight and before long, I could hear his gentle snoring, his palms still cupping one of my breasts.
                I lifted his arm and returned it to his side, freeing its weight from my still trembling heart.
                I rose, pulled my chiton back in place and threw a flowing robe over my shoulders before I tiptoed out of the room.  The two guards outside the huge bronze door stood at attention, separating their long spears for their queen to pass. I stole a glance at them: strong young men at the prime of their lives, arms that could fight lions bare-handed.  It should be reassuring to have such sentinel for protection.  I did not feel safe, however.  May be it was that strange look in their eyes.  I did not know if it was just my imagination.  I smelled treason in the air and coldness down my spine. I tried my best to maintain my royal composure, holding my chin high and glided across the marble tiles as I made for a colonnade to the right.  I stopped once I turned the corner, bracing myself against a wall to catch back my breadth.
                What am I? Their Queen? Or an adulteress, usurper, murderer of the late King in his very house, a woman wielding power as if a man? I knew the price to be paid for any of these roles.  Death!  Merciless brutal death!  They knew.  They did not do it because regicide, even against a usurper queen, would bring wrath from the gods.
                They were waiting, for one who had the right to do this, to avenge spilled blood…
                “You should have let me kill him. “ Aegisthus had told me repeatedly.
                “You will regret for this one day.” He said.
                “May be. But I will not have the blood of my own son on my hands. Even beasts would not harm their own young.”
                But I knew better of course.  Not all parents were benevolent.
                I could still remember that angelic face of her: beautiful, happy, a contented bride-to-be, being tricked by her own father to the altar where her throat was cut.  
                “Mother! Save me! Mother!” I heard her last cry for help. And I was powerless to stop her being slaughtered, like a fowl, just to fulfill his ambition to lead the Greek force across the sea and his glory in Troy!  
                Why my daughter!?  It was Menelaus whose wife was abducted.  Why not sacrifice one of his women to appease the goddess for fair wind?  Why me?
                Through tales told me by stranger’s tongue, I could see her being stripped of her bridal garments, her young virgin beauty laid bare to all present eyes.  I could see the despair in her eyes as her neck was angled, the bow made by her head with its golden fleece of hair and the torso making a perfect resemblance of Artemis’s tool of hunt.
                And he came forward, Agamemnon, King of Mycenae, High King of the Greek states, my husband, her father, knife in hand, cold-hearted, cold-blooded, placing the blade across that slender neck of my daughter!
                I could see the blood rush out, spill; I could smell it, salty as the water of the raging sea; I could feel her pain, her disappointment at my failure to rescue her, her despair to be forced to give up her young life for a cause that sent men on a thousand ships to ten years of slaughter, with so few to return!
                “Revenge! “ I heard her shriek, in silence; her voice only audible for my ears.
                I saw her fall, naked, unpitied, next to that pile of stones dyed red with my daughter’s blood.

                In revenge, I took in Aegisthus, his cousin, as my lover during his absence.
                I cursed him to fall on the plains of Troy, his body tramped a thousand times to shreds by Trojan chariots, his naked torso fed to carrions!
                But he survived.
                And returned with a mistress: Cassandra, princess of Troy.
                Aegisthus panicked and urged me to flee with him.
                I did what I had to do.
                A robe and an axe.
                I avenged my daughter when her slayer-father was in the bath.
                The water ran red.
                The Trojan woman came in, saw the slain king.  She did not scream, nor tried to flee, but just knelt, open wide her arms and lowered her neck.
                The axe rose and fell a second time.
                Justice was done!
                Another round of seeking justice had begun.

                I walked along the corridor that lined the tall walls Mycenae.  From here, despite it was night, I could see the fair hills with the aid of a full moon.  How fair a land this was! And ruled by a woman for seventeen years, ten in the absence of her husband, and seven in the name of her lover. Aegisthus was no king-material.  Perhaps it was better this way.
                May be I should have killed Orestes! And her sister Electra too.  I knew that girl hated me, though she was of my own flesh and blood.  But how could I?  No, I refused to be another beast to devour my own broodings.  One in a family was more than enough.
                I turned and looked to the east.  There, hidden around the corner of the griffin gates was his tomb: the tomb of Agamemnon, commander of the Greek expeditionary force, conqueror of Troy and his captive, Cassandra.  For seven years they had lain there in their death-slumber.  They must have been waiting for justice: justice for them.
                I could feel it.  It would not be long.
                A shadow.
                This time, I did not shriek, not even feeling afraid.
                He looked so much like his father: tall, handsome in a cruel way, and eyes unforgiving, without pity.
                “So, Orestes! You have finally come for me.” I said.
                “No, mother, not only for you.  For him, too.” He said, and raised his left hand; the head of Aegisthus was still dripping blood. His eyes were wide open, in disbelief, in shock, his tongue sticking out of a mouth which had engulfed my breasts in ecstasy so many nights. It was as if he was still pleading for mercy and the whole thing was so comical that I could not suppress a laugh.
                “I am going to kill you, mother.”
                I nodded, let my robe slipped onto the ground and slowly pulled down one side of my chiton, exposing a breast.  
                “So, you are going to push your sword into the breast that had once fed you?  A breast that had once sheltered you and warmed you?”
                “I am his son.  I have to do what I have to do.”
                I nodded again. “Yes, Justice must be done. I pity you, though. For killing your mother, you will become the object of justice sought. Do you understand what it means?”
                He was breathing quicker now, his hand griping the hilt of that bloodied sword tightening.
                “So be it then.  Come, and give me a quick end.”  I
                Having let my robe drop off my shoulders onto the tiles, I open my arms to embrace him.  He backed away a step but I would not let him lose courage.  What the gods decide, will be done.  Are we not their humble toys? Insignificant pieces in their games in the names of justice?  
                I took one more step forward and this time he did not back away.
                His yell shock the night air as he rushed at me.  I could see him closing the distance; I could see his eyes, so red, so sad…
                “Argh…” The blade entered my body through my exposed breast, made a clean penetration and came out my naked back.
                I collapsed into the arms of my son, my lips touching the strong chest as I had once touched his father’s.
                I could hear his dead father laughing now.
                I could hear the gods laugh.
                I could hear the silent weeping of Orestes, my son, my only love in this life.
                I sank to my knees, body sliding backwards to free of the blade.  
                The marble felt so cold.
                The night was so beautiful….


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                   (The Last Night of Clytemnestra)

                  冷汗把我每一吋肌膚都濕透了; 那冷透進了皮下直入骨髓.
                  「仟麼事啊? 你又做噩夢了?」
                  「對, 很可怕的夢, 」 我回答說, 我的眼仍直望著我們躺著的巨床外的虛空; 我們一起睡在這床上已十七年.
                  「我的皇后, 你夢見了什麼?」 埃癸斯托斯已坐了起來把手繞著我裸肩; 那是因為我在驚醒時把內衣都滑下而令一只乳房暴露了出來. 他的手很溫柔, 不像從前的那個人, 太溫柔了.
                  這是屬於情人的手, 而不是屬於一個戰士的, 又或是殺人犯的.
                  「我看見他, 渾身鮮血.」
                  「但他已死了啊. 他已死了七年, 我親愛的. 如果他的鬼魂要回來報仇, 他一早就回來了. 不要杞人憂天, 睡吧.」
                  我讓他把我拉回到枕上. 為了消除我的不安, 他開始撫慰我曾哺育多名子女的乳房. 在某種意義下, 我是得天獨厚的女人. 即使我已不太年輕而已生育多次, 我的身段仍保持得極好. 埃癸斯托斯用他的手指圍繞我的乳蒂打圈. 在別的晚上, 他可能持續的和我做愛直至我向他求饒. 可是今天晚上他已是筋疲力倦了. 不多久, 我已聽到他輕輕的打軒聲, 即使他的手仍盈握著我的奶子.
                  我把他的臂掀起再放到他身畔, 減輕了我仍抖顫的心所受的壓力.
                  我站了起來, 把內衣整理好, 再把一襲長袍披在肩上, 然後輕步的走出了寢室. 偌大青銅門外的警衛馬上立正敬禮, 原本交叉的長矛分開了讓他們的王后通過. 我瞥了他們一眼: 年輕強壯的小伙子, 臂力足以徒手搏獅. 有這樣的精兵拱衛應是萬無一失吧. 可是我一點也不覺得踏實. 不知是否我多疑, 我嗅到空氣中有背叛的氣味. 我力保我處變不驚的外表, 把下顎向上翹起步過大理石的地階走向長廊. 甫一轉過角落, 我就停下來深吸吸試圖定下慌亂心神來
                  我是誰? 他們的王后? 抑是通姦者, 竊位者? 在先王的宮殿中把他刺殺的然後牝雞司晨像男人一樣發施號令? 我知道任何一條罪都足以判我死無葬身之地. 他們是心知肚明, 沒有下手是因為以下犯上弒后是天神所不容, 即使這王后本身已犯下彌天大罪!
                  他們在等待那個有權替天行道的人出現: 以血還血!
                  「你應當時就殺了他!」 埃癸斯托斯挽怨道.
                  「可能吧. 但我不能容忍我自己的兒子的血染紅我的雙手. 虎不噬子.」
                  但我當然知道這非事實: 父慈子孝不是鐵打不二的事.
                  我仍記得她那像仙女的臉: 美麗, 快樂, 一個心滿意足的新娘被她自己的父親騙向祭壇用刀割喉而死.
                  「母親! 母親!」 我聽到她最後的求援呼號. 而我有心無力, 就眼巴巴看著她為了父親要完成建功立業的心 願而像一頭家禽般被宰殺!
                  為什麼是我的女兒? 不是墨涅拉俄斯的妻子被人家誘拐了嗎? 為什麼要用我的女兒性命來取悅女神換取把艦隊送往特洛伊的長風? 為什麼偏偏是我?
                  從陌生者的舌頭, 我得悉她身上的嫁衣被剝下, 她那處女聖潔的胴體暴露在所有人眼底.  我可以想像到她在仰天受戮一刻那絕望的眼神, 她擁有金髮的頭和身體形成了像狩獵女神的獵弓一樣的弧度.
                  當他, 阿格門農, 邁鍚尼的王, 希臘眾邦的共主, 我的丈夫, 她的父 親以手執刀, 冰心冷血地把利刃架在親生女兒的頸上!
                  我可以想像血如何湧出; 我可以嗅到那帶海水腥味的血; 我可以感受她的痛, 她對我無力救她的失望, 以及要放棄她年輕生命去成全千船並舉, 十年征戰而能回故里者十中無一而作出的犧牲.
                  「為我復仇!」 我在寂靜中聽到那唯是我才能聽到的慘叫,
                  為了報復, 我讓埃癸斯托斯在阿格門農出征的十年中成了我的情夫; 他是阿格門農的表弟..
                  我詛咒丈夫戰死異鄉, 詛咒他的屍體被特洛伊的戰車碾成肉醬, 他赤裸屍體上的肉被飛鳥吃盡.
                  他還竟敢帶一個女人回來: 卡珊德拉, 一個特洛伊的公主, 作為他的妾侍!
                  埃癸斯托斯害怕起來了, 慫恿我和他一起逃亡.
                  一條洛巾, 一柄利斧!
                  那特洛伊女人走了進來, 看到已被殺的國王. 她沒有尖叫, 也沒試圖逃跑. 她跪了下去, 把雙臂張開, 垂下了頸.

                  我沿著圍繞邁鍚尼城牆的長廊步行. 從這裡, 即使是在晚上, 我仍可以靠月色看到城外群山. 這是一個多美的國度! 而竟由一個女人管治了十七年: 十年代夫行使王權, 七年以情人的名義君臨臣民. 埃癸斯托斯卻非治國之材. 也許這更好.
                  可能我真的應殺了兒子俄瑞斯忒斯的! 甚至連他的妹妹伊麗賽克也應斬草除根. 我知道這女兒恨我入骨, 即使我是她生母. 但我能狠下心嗎?  不! 我拒絕成為又一個滅絕人性, 連自己孩子也不放過的野獸. 在我們當中, 有一頭這樣的畜牲已經太多了.
                  我轉身望向東方. 在那兒轉角出了雙獅門就是他的墓: 遠征軍主帥阿格門農和他的戰利品, 卡珊德拉的墓.

                  他們在那裡已長眠了七年. 他們正等待有人來為他們伸張正義吧: 是從他們觀點的正義.
                  這次, 我沒有尖叫了, 甚至不再驚恐.
                  他長得像他父親極了: 高大, 英俊, 冷酷, 眼中沒有半點慈悲.
                  「啊, 俄瑞斯忒斯, 你終於來找我了.」 我說.
                  「不, 母親, 不單為你而來, 也為了他.」 他說完就舉起左手. 埃癸斯托斯的首級仍淌著血. 他的眼張得大大的, 是如此震驚和不願相信這是真的, 那在多個晚上吻吮我乳房的舌頭突了出來, 好像他仍在求饒一樣.. 這一切是如此滑稽, 我無法不笑出來.
                  「我會把你殺掉, 母親.」
                  我點點頭, 讓我的長袍滑到地上, 然後我慢慢地把我的長內衣拉下露出了一邊的乳.
                  「你真的要把劍刺入曾哺育你的乳房嗎? 一只曾庇護你, 給你溫暖的乳房?」
                  「我是他的兒子. 我別無選擇.」
                  我再點頭. 「對, 有仇不報枉為人子. 我只是可憐你. 你殺了母親, 就會淪落成下一輪報復的目標. 你知道這意味什麼嗎?」
                  他呼呼急起來, 握著染了血的劍之手收緊了
                  「好吧! 來, 給我一個痛快.」
                  我的袍早在地上, 我把雙臂張開像要把他擁抱入內. 他起先是退縮了, 但我不給他失去勇氣的機會. 眾神已決定了的事, 就讓它發生吧. 我們都不過是祂們的玩物, 對不? 只是祂們以正義之名玩的遊戲的馬前卒而已.
                  我再向前邁進一步. 這次他沒有退後了. 他衝向我時發出的嚷叫聲撕破了黑夜的死寂. 我看到他一步一步迫近: 雙眼通紅, 一片無奈…
                  「啊…」 劍刃穿過我裸出的乳房刺穿了我的身體再從背部突出.
                  我倒入兒子的臂中, 我的唇觸及了那強壯的胸板, 就有如我曾一度吻他父親的胸板一樣…
                  我可以聽到我的兒子埃癸斯托斯, 我一生中的最愛, 在哭泣.
                  我雙膝跪地, 身體向後傾去脫離了刀刃.
                  夜, 是如此的溫柔…

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